Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Great Danger from Under-governed Regions

Feb 06, 2008 07:27

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Michael Mullen, plans to tell the US Congress Wednesday, February. 6, 2008 that the great danger to the federal government is from "safe havens," which are defined as regions that are under-regulated.

In this instance he is speaking about Pakistan, a state over which the feds have little administrative influence, and in which the separate culture teaches against the policies of the federal government. In addition, they maintain an under-regulated militia that threatens federal law enforcement in the area, according to FBI Director Robert Mueller.

To the credit of the Pakistanis, they “maintain a cadre of skilled lieutenants capable of directing the organization's operations around the world,” which is far more than we can say about well regulated American patriots.