Friday, February 15, 2008

Moghniyeh Execution Going to Trial

Feb 15, 2008 08:01

The big event that the world is hoping for may be imminent. The first murder case in the UN court is at this time only an idea, but one that will get legs when Syria carries through with their vow to retaliate against Israel for the death of Hizballah commander Imad Fayez Mughniyeh Tuesday, February 12, 2008, in Damascus Syria.

By Thursday Syria was making it known that an attack was imminent, which is militarily stupid unless there is substance to the previous reports that the raid on the Syrian nuke site was in fact a USAF raid. Iran, Syria and Hizballah announced plans for a joint attack.

Apparently their hesitation is related to the fact that Mughniyeh was in a high security area and they do not know how it was breached. The investigation is being done by both Syrian and Iranian anti-terror investigators, headed by Gen. Ghassem Soleimani, commander of the al Qods Brigades of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, with Syrian interior minister Gen. Bassam Abdul Majid.

Their response is different than usual. Even the Hizballah's Hassan Nasrallah said the incident "will lead to Israel's demise."

Even though the US claimed to applaud the killing (on the FBI most wanted list), On Thursday, February 14, 2008, the DC party girl made the connection between the tribunals to "try those responsible for the assassination of Rafiq Hariri and 22 others," in order to "deter further political assassinations."

The freak in the red dress was not ignored. There will be a murder trial of Israel at some time and the vultures are salivating because the assassinations of former Lebanese premier Rafiq al-Hariri, and of Imad Fayez Mughniyeh are now treated as morally equivalent.,2506,L-3507060,00.html