Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Russian Self Defense

May 30, 2007 07:31

If the Russians see an American junta that is criminally insane and capable of attacking any nation and justifying it on some remote perception of a connection to their interest, then it is reasonable for a sane man to prepare to fight them.

Bob Chapman warned, "NATO is expanding into Eastern Europe and intends to merge with the UN peacekeeping force to form a one world UN military force.

In its sights now is to secure the energy security of its member states. This means the militarization of anything directly connected to the chain of energy, which has been strongly backed by the membership, particularly the new Eastern members.

They are dependent on Russia for energy and such a posture could lead to war. Any disruption of energy distribution by Russia would be considered an act of war."

The US cabal did the same thing to Americans when they declared a "commerce clause" connection with gun laws, and anything else that they lusted after.

Chapman added, "NATO and particularly the US have made problems worse by declaring they will put missiles and radar in Poland and the Czech Republic. This could very well lead to another Balkan war touched off by Bosnia’s breakaway from Serbia by Albanian Muslims. Such a war would smooth the transition and globalization of NATO and the UN. The role of peacekeeper would then become a blunt belligerent farce. This is what we see in your future and another nightmare is about to begin."

It started with new missile tests that the bankrupt US cannot match. The Reagan doctrine in reverse. "Russia tested new missiles Tuesday [May 29, 2007] that a Kremlin official boasted could penetrate any defense system... the RS-24, was fired from a mobile launcher... the missile was a new version of the Topol-M." Also an improved tactical cruise missile is planned.

The Russians are the only ones that the junta fears and there is a historical precedent to Russia providing military help during another American civil war.