Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Swine Flu as a Military Rehearsal

May 05, 2009 07:04

Swine Flu as a Military Rehearsal

William Lind in his May 4, 2009, "On War #303: Rehearsal," writing about the recent swine flu hysterics that "the 'pandemic’s' most interesting aspect is as a rehearsal for one of 4GW’s most dangerous threats, the release of a genetically engineered plague."

Such a plague "could replicate what the Black Death brought to medieval Europe," at the very time when the world has returned back to those dark times spiritually. The danger Lind warns is that 4GW warriors are able to build bio weapons that are more destructive than nuclear weapons.

Lind attempts to analyze the odd conduct of the nation states to what amounts to a normal flu and applies military intelligence to test the possibility that it was deliberate, but concludes that is was unlikely. However, we already knew that the virus was artificially created and his probable guess may be wrong, so what may have been the objectives?

Lind says first, Mexico "Mexico is just the 'Petri dish' a 4GW attacker would need," to test his system. Second, the DC "Establishment will not even attempt to close the United States/Mexican border until it is too late... The rehearsal shows the border will remain open." Third, "Americans, driven by sensation-seeking media, will panic," leading to further economic collapse, the main target of Jihadis.

Although Lind does not believe the test was deliberate, he maintains that it was a test just the same that was failed. He said, “'Globalist' ideology, which is shared by both political parties, rejects border controls as hostile to its vision of 'One World.'”

What the globalists are doing is to reconstruct the government and economy of ancient Egypt, which the sages called, "The House of Slaves." It serves the practical purpose of holding an entire group of people as hostages as a vain defense against one particular divine being, and will prove to be useless twice again.
