Thursday, May 21, 2009

The criminal pastors

May 21, 2009 07:21

The criminal pastors

It was not that the silence of US pastors and rabbis caused the reprobate bureaucrats to get out of their constitutional control, but their own criminal conduct that encouraged the tyrants.

Pastor Paul Blair is as naive as any when he urges his brethren to "stop being silent and muster the courage to speak out against efforts to criminalize Christianity." We contend that they are just as criminal as the bureaucrats that hang out in their churches.

It was the pastors who encouraged lawless government for the sake of fake righteousness. When he said, "Pastors used to speak strongly about issues – like when Billy Sunday led a crusade, and the next thing you know, liquor was outlawed. So they made a difference," he is correct. The prohibition was made possible only by this sort of sin. Their own sages instructed them that a covenant cannot be changed by laws, but no matter, booze violates the 11th commandment and tax resistance the 12th.

Why shouldn't DHS regard the pastors as potential terrorist since they have been in collusion with government for the past 100 years? The pastors were silent in Germany to the loss of millions of Jews. The pope could have stopped the concentration camp operation with a single encyclical written to what was at that time a heavily Catholic Germany--ending the holocaust. Instead the Vatican ran the ratline to show mercy to Nazi party members and the bank that saved their loot.

In the US we have been betrayed repeatedly by such men who regard government as holy and cannot speak a word of judgment against the world's greatest tyranny. More than half of The Pastors are collaborators with FEMA, and we have charged before that in the civil war that the pastors are helping to foment, that many of them will simply be executed by members of their own congregations. They will not be regarded as martyrs. "Thank God that our patriot pastors of yesteryear weren't trained with a modern seminary education."

Blair will fail. He starts with a compromise that avoids unpleasantries which makes it easy to turn him. Like most of them, he doesn't want to seem extreme, and is being kind to the cruel by continued compliance to their law.