Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Army troops to be used to make mandatory home vaccination inspections...
Military planning for possible H1N1 outbreak; Provide support for 'large-scale testing'...
Swine Flu Vaccination for All
Warning about Jews betraying Jews...
The CHEKA Jews...
The Russian terror unleashed by fake Jews in NKVD (DHS)...
The role that Jews will have in killing Israel's Jews...

3 Outpost destroyed, 'Terrorist' Vow to Rebuild
Hal Turner betrayed by DHS and arrested...
DHS arrest men for military training and talk about jihad overseas...
Geologist says global warming is 'new religion' of elite inner city...

Future history: 'The communists in America, who consisted primarily of Jews and a tiny minority of American criminals, amoral opportunists, and welfare rabble were able to maintain their grip on all of America by keeping the American majority, which hated them, too frightened to resist'

The ancestor of the KGB was the CHEKA. In the beginning, the CHEKA was conceived and operated almost exclusively by Jews.

Jews were not the only ones but their operational influence was huge.

The first head of the CHEKA was Moses Uritsky (Jew). His successor was a person of dubious "Polish" origin named Felix Dzerzhinski, but it was common knowledge that he didn't care and was overshadowed by his nominal subordinate, I. S. Unschlicht (Jew). Over the years, control of the torture apparatus has been passed to Genrik Yagoda (Jew), Lavrenti Beria (Georgian) and Yuri Andropov (Jew).