Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hal Turner Urges Armed Action against the Fed

Apr 26, 2009 06:41

Hal Turner Urges Armed Action against the Fed

Hal Turner urged nationalists to "Take up arms and attack," on his website at the conclusion of his assessment of the flue health scare and financial crisis. This was one of two possible outcomes, the first being that the fed deescalate the bio attack scenario, and the second that the financial crisis will not end until the bankers are stopped by force.

Specifically, the intent of the fed to use the Model Emergency Health Powers Act was quietly announced when in December, 2008, FEMA began warning counties to prepare a Hazard Mitigation Plan to "vaccinate the entire population within 48 hours." The current flue has about a 6% motility rate, but the second report that caught attention was the preparation of mass graves.

In February, 2009 Panasonic ordered all its top executives outside of Japan to sell their homes and move themselves and their families back to Japan by the end of September, 2009. Panasonic feared the outbreak of "new flu strains."

In March, 2009 began reporting on the preparation of large unused grave sites and the storage of thousands of plastic coffins. Whether for disease or for the Summer of Rage, the fed was preparing for large numbers of casualties.

What caused Turner to announce that the peace process was ended was the latest report that the New York flue strain originated at the U.S. Army Bioweapons Lab at Fort Detrick, MD. That report was from the same Turner inside source that leaked the unclassified version of the DHS report that determined vets were a significant military risk if the fed continues the present course.

The plagues of Egypt were always a likely scenario for Americans because of their roles in breaking apart the holy land both in 1929 and 2009.