Monday, April 13, 2009

DHS Report Warns that Vets are Joining Militias

The US government is in the process of turning its citizens against one another in a vain attempt to preserve itself and justify it's continued existence. A widely circulated "non-secret secret 7 April 2009 report by DHS called, "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," is warning LEO's to be on the lookout for Iraq/Afghan veterans because they are ripe for joining the civil war which the DHS is feverishly preparing to fight.

As usual, the Marxists blame every motive on economics with the extra incentive of a Southside Chicago mobster in the White House. No plans to attack were found but the intent of a military assessment is to determine the war fighting willingness and capability of a separatist society. The conservatives represent no threat except to other conservatives.

Just like the MIAC report, the signs of a of rebel are listed: criticism about the outsourcing of jobs; loss of sovereignty; restrictions on firearms; rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority; opposition to abortion or immigration.

Conservatives are destined to lose, like Israel is losing its land, because talks only encourage statist, but actions get their attention. The gun buyers for example, "The high volume of purchases and stockpiling of weapons and ammunition by rightwing extremists in anticipation of restrictions and bans in some parts of the country continue to be a primary concern to law enforcement." An extremist is defined by this report as a lone wolf who buys guns, motivated by the federal Junta's intention to "place restrictions" on firearms.

The vets were foolish enough to follow orders to fight an unconstitutional non-war and when mutiny began to surface, the Junta began to outlaw veteran gun ownership. The reason why is that "Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to rightwing extremists," or a lone wolf whom they repeatedly refer to because "the threat posed by lone wolves and small terrorist cells is more pronounced than in past years."

DHS military assessors say that "rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat. These skills and knowledge have the potential to boost the capabilities." The statist treat vets as complete idiots incapable of performing a simple judgment.

After warning of vets of being recruited, they then say, "white supremacist lone wolves pose the most significant domestic terrorist threat because of their low profile and autonomy.... embracing the tactics of 'leaderless resistance.'" There are "Small, well-armed extremist groups in some rural areas," but appear to more inclined to talk than attack.

On April 4, 2009 a member of Storm front ambushed and killed 3 Pittsburgh cops. The motivation divined by the DHS warlocks was determined to be his reaction to listening to Alex Jones report about what the DC Junta is doing and the preparations for the war to come. Never mind that Jones always appeals (vainly) to cops to repent, warning them that the strategy is that the cops be quickly annihilated. Nevertheless, they are blaming Jones.

The Yasser Arafat approach to beating conservatives is always evident in these reports that start with a premises that only "talks" are legitimate which is why they emphasize the chatter on internet and the Genesis Communications Network. DHS says their "“accusatory” tactics are employed to draw new recruits into rightwing extremist groups and further radicalize those already subscribing to extremist beliefs." There is no group centered on GCN or Alex Jones, but the only "group" showing any willingness to fight is omitted.

The feds understand Arafat's approach but accuse militias as planning to use it. As the Supreme Court wanders further away, they expect an attack to direct the courts reasoning. "Debates over constitutional rights are intense, and parties on all sides have deeply held, sincere, but vastly divergent beliefs, violent extremists may attempt to co-opt the debate." That is, the peace loving statists are going to attack to get the gun nuts to surrender their weapons?

The DHS is concerned about preaching, which is not to be confused with something that was formerly done in churches. DHS said, "Most statements by rightwing extremists have been rhetorical," but that amendment is also subject to infringement.

The attacks on the fed that they use as incitement of the gullible LEO's never happened. "Violent acts targeting government facilities, law enforcement officers, banks, and infrastructure sectors," are hard to find but by associating pop conservative issues, they now have a few incidents to report, that militia-vet-types may be involved in the "exploitation of social issues such as abortion, inter-racial crimes, and same-sex marriage."

The evil of the bureaucrats at DHS is not concerned about anything except preserving their own lives. What amount to threat signs are the daily concerns of most Americans such as making a living. "Extremists have feared, predicted, and anticipated a cataclysmic economic collapse, "end times' prophecies’, and "martial law, impending civil strife."

Even the children do not escape the scrutiny of the STASI and they noted that "there appears to be a strong association between a parent’s unemployment status and the formation of rightwing extremist beliefs in their children." We have seen the Child Thieves abduct the children from camps set up for California homeless on the basis of obvious financial difficulty.

The 1990's have returned in full force after a Bush hiatus. They are now reminding the LEO's about "federal law enforcement’s handling of the
confrontations at Waco, Texas and Ruby Ridge, Idaho." which left the perpetrators unpunished. The DHS is apparently ignorant of the law when they wrote that "new legislation banning paramilitary training, "contributed to a decline in militia membership.

A legitimate US Government is required to be the servant of the people not the preacher, but they are at least honest when the said. "Federal efforts to influence domestic public opinion must be conducted in an overt and transparent manner,” because they do not respond to public opinion except to hold public meetings run by facilitators. The NAIS is the best example.

In On War #290: Blowback Revisited, by William Lind, he warned that war for "a minority found it the best time of their lives... It was these men, looking to re-create that tremendous experience, who made up the Brownshirts of the S. A. Their very name, Storm Troopers, originated in what they had done during the war. They came home determined to create a different Germany, and they did." And the only real protection was that "we need to isolate ourselves from 4GW overseas."

The vets may indeed take up arms against their government, but it is presumptuous to say that their reasons are not to restore the constitution.