Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Summer of Unrest?

Jun 15, 2007 10:57

The elite want a revolution and are not concerned about a popular uprising if Plainfield turns bloody. That was the analysis of Alex Jones and Jack McLamb, and that opinion corresponds with what Prof. Narret said about the methods of the elite: "The steps are to fragment; federate/regionalize; internationalize."

The prof. describes the method of inflaming a bad situation as the thesis that requires a response called the antithesis such as "a 'war on terror' which because it is not meant to be won but rather obfuscated and bungled leads to the predetermined synthesis of a World Security State."

Fragmentation is revolution or civil unrest; regionalize is the involvement NORTHCOM; and when they begin to fail, the world community can be invited to help restore order. It will require NATO intervention to assist NORTHCOM.