Monday, October 15, 2007

Imam Barack Obama's Weekend Sermon

Oct 15, 2007 13:36

The Pastors are preaching heresy again, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2007, in Des Moines, Iowa! This week's sermon by Rev. Barack Obama to an ecumenical seminar devoted to the Earth Goddess.

The Imam said, "God has entrusted humans with the responsibility of caring for the earth." By that he means assuring that the Earth Goddess has a pure place.
"It is our responsibility to ensure that this planet remains clean and safe and livable for our children and for all of God's children." By that he means a sacrifice for the goddess.

How will Allah perform this miracle of wresting the houses and children away from the silly Iowans? "Obama released a plan to combat global warming that calls for an 80 percent reduction in U.S. carbon emissions by 2050." Taking lessons from the pastors he then "challenged individuals to do their part to help." Even Hillary was titillated "by a carbon auction system." He essentially proposes war but who is the enemy?

He merely said, "Meeting the threat of global climate change will take hard work and faith." To get an idea of whom the enemy is and how he must fight, examine the only text that a god claimed to pollute the earth. The land-grabbing, cop-killing god in Israel.

That one said, "He will make the earth desolate," and that he would be "cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate." So, it makes sense that Obama prophesies a war and the enemy is the Political Pariah himself, the Messiah. The dirty secret of "the Pastors" is the identity of the Messiah and what he is like. Here is a 3-point hint: crowds of people will chant this--"Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle." The only thing that ought to concern these men, is battle with whom?;&version=31;