Monday, October 15, 2007

Condoleezza Rice Enforcing the International Building Code

Oct 15, 2007 07:47

First Rice threatened penalties for building a highway in Israel, now she says that "she would pressure Israel against initiating any Jewish construction in eastern sections of Jerusalem." Another way of saying that she will enforce the law.

The law that she is enforcing is the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) which is already adapted by many states in America. It erases borders and sets up building inspectors as mini-tyrants.

With the IPMC, "County and state lines will be abolished as are the national borders so there will be no need for county or state governments." The first one to be regulated is Jerusalem.

"Rice singled out Jerusalem areas as becoming part of a future Palestinian state," and threatened more penalties if "the Jewish state didn't agree to evacuate eastern Jerusalem neighborhoods" by November's meeting in Annapolis Maryland.

The threat according to the IPMC is that "Any person who shall violate a provision of this code, or fail to comply therewith, or with any of the requirements thereof, shall be prosecuted within the limits of state and local laws."

The requirement on Israel is that "existing structures must be "brought into conformity with new regulations." which in this case requires Arab residents. Thus, the present Jewish "single family homes located along rural byways won't pass inspection."

There are financial fines also, but the worst is the demolition of the pleasant houses in Israel to make room for--ghettos. It works like this: "According to the International Property Maintenance Code ordinance passed by our County Commissioners, your resident is so "out of repair" that it is unfit for human habitation and must be demolished." The secret is in the definition of "fit."

Once again Party Girl Condi is interfering with the Political Pariah and may suffer the same terror as a king of Egypt. Already Condoleezza Rice has opened her mouth about highway construction and seen retaliation in California.

At party time, 11 p.m. Friday, October 12 2007, on I-5 in Santa Clara, were 28 trucks and cars in a single incident. The highway is closed. Rice is no match for the Pariah.