Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Altar Calls Begin for the 2nd Reformation

Oct 16, 2007 10:07

What "The Pastors" have done with government is most simply explained by looking at what Moses did. At Mt. Sinai God told Moses to set up barriers to prevent man or beast from even touching the mountain, and transgression was punishable by death. By that command, the mountain became holy--inviolate. Likewise evil governors have become holy beings that shall not be touched except that the transgressor dies.

Herein lies the roots of the 2nd reformation: "The Pastors" are the spiritual leaders of the evil that has overcome America. Now these modern-day Hellenists are seeking converts for the governments of the Sagacious One. He's not a dead rabbi.

New Hampshire churches refused to defend the Browns in Plainfield but are sponsoring events to restore politics to the churches, but not like their colonial predecessors. This teaching "featured an Obama video and a campaign altar call _ an invitation to become a "congregation contact" and rally support for the candidate."

Forget the Black Brigade preaching against the tyrants in DC, they have joined the Seleucid Empire. But just as high taxes and regulation destroyed the Holy Roman Empire, and legally required apostasy destroyed the Seleucid dynasty, so the pastors "fearing bloody reprisals against the people," may find themselves the first to perish in another reformation.

It was not an accident that the Vatican regarded the Holy Maccabees as martyrs only until recently.
