Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New York Rebels Beat Spitzer and State Police

The after action report from New York:


By Hal Turner

New York State Governor Elliott Spitzer was allegedly physically intercepted and beaten late today by pro-White Americans fed up with the Governor's efforts to give Driver Licenses to illegal aliens.

The New York State Police protective detail which guards the Governor was reportedly overcome almost instantly when TAZERS were used to incapacitate them. Despite wearing bullet resistant vests, the Troopers succumbed to the TAZER electric shock which can penetrate up to two inches of clothing.

Once the State Troopers were taken down, the governor was reportedly smacked in the head several times and is said to have fallen to the ground to shield himself. The blows were reportedly strong enough to get his attention without seriously hurting him.

Witnesses claim the Governor was told by the attackers that he was not going to be allowed to give Driver Licenses to illegal aliens and if he did not drop the plan, he would be intercepted again and killed. The attackers also reportdely called the Governor "filthy jew" during that attack and told him he was getting Aryan justice.

Governor Spitzer reportedly cried out for help from the State Troopers and, when he realized they had been incapacitated, the Governor swore to give up his plans to grant Driver Licenses to Illegal Aliens. He is expected to announce the program to give Driver Licenses to Illegal Aliens is "dead" sometime tomorrow, Wednesday, November 14.

The Hal Turner Radio Show, which airs on 95.1 FM in the New York City area, is being blamed for encouraging the attack. The host of that show has long opined that using force against Government officials has become necessary because they have become so arrogant, they think they can ignore the public. Turner has also long opined that once the politicians started getting smacked around, they would fold like cheap cameras - just like Elliot Spitzer did today.

When asked for comment, Turner said "Let this be a warning to every other elected official in the United States. We can overcome your protective detail the same way and knock the hell out you too if you persist in defying The Will of The People." Turner went on to say "We The People run this country. We have repeatedly instructed our elected officials to cease accommodating illegal aliens and we will not tolerate defiance."

All of the attackers - who wore black ski masks, black jackets with Nazi symbols on them -- got away.

Police have no tangible way to connect Turner to the attacks but said if the attackers are ultimately arrested, they intend to prosecute Turner for criminal culpability if it can be proved Turner's on-air remarks spawned todays attack.,2933,311544,00.html