Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Americans Warned to Get Ready for a Big Disaster

Nov 14, 2007 08:22

Rabbis have formally warned the Bush administration that the pressure that Bush and Rice exert on Israel will result in retribution by the Political Pariah the Messiah. Specifically the junta is trying to accomplish two major goals: first, to eliminate national sovereignty in one of the few nations still clinging to the outmoded concept. Second, to compel Israel to not be a Jewish nation, but to be like America, a nation that is politically and culturally secular and where the Christians are also secular pagans.

Largely the US Jews don't want Israel but are happy to be where they are. Israel National Radio's Tamar Yonah is warning US Jews that they should run while they can still escape. Escape. She said, "The German Jews thought they were safe in Germany. They were proud Germans. They're dead now.

Do you really think America is any different than Germany, which was one of the most liberal and 'enlightened' countries in Europe in the 1930's."

Russian president Putin has been warning the arrogant Americans of this same thing for the last year. The new terror laws have nothing to do with Allah but are designed to prevent "parallel societies." Like devout religious people who refuse to obey evil bureaucrats (not Allah's people, of course). The US governments are becoming worse than the nationalists, socialists whom the Christians of Germany voted for--and died as a result.

Yonah concluded: "If Jerusalem is divided, I don't want to even think what will happen to America[1]. Remember Hurricane Katrina when Jews were expelled from Gaza? I don't know for sure whether this was divine retribution for Gaza[2], but as a G-d fearing person, I know that NOTHING happens by accident, and G-d controls everything. Click [2] to read a controversial article I wrote back in 2005 on 'Katrina and Katif: some connections to consider'."

If history is repeated, evicting 100,000 Yesha residents will result in about 1 million US dislocations as a result of disasters.