Monday, November 12, 2007

Civil War to Accompany US Economic Crash

Nov 13, 2007 06:41

Civil war was expected and the first indication of imminent hostility is the abandonment of fear and restraint of phony law. We have that from the man who everyone loves to hate without fear of being ostracized, Hal Turner, who said about the present crisis:

"This disaster was caused by present and former members of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate who enacted NAFTA, GATT and the WTO, sending millions of US jobs overseas while simultaneously increasing deficit spending by government until the entire nation was broke.

The pending economic disaster was aided and abetted by members and former members of the Federal Reserve Bank(s) and their Board of Governors, who monetized the debt being incurred by the Politicians and who then concealed the monetization by halting the public publishing of "M-3" data.

Finally, this economic collapse was assisted by greedy Boards of Directors of the FORTUNE 1000 Manufacturing Companies and the FORTUNE 500 largest companies, who played right into the profits-before-national-loyalty zeitgiest and shipped our manufacturing jobs out of the country.

When the collapse happens, we are going to take revenge upon every single person who had a hand in the financial destruction. No matter their wealth, no matter their power, NOT ONE will escape the street justice that we are planning. . . . . and we are planning it.

We don't give a [politically incorrect expletive] about the law, we don't give a [politically incorrect expletive] about the courts and we certainly don't give a [politically incorrect expletive] about the military which is stretched so thin they can't even defeat some ragheads in Iraq!

So you big shots in politics, banking and business, go ahead and enjoy the last few months of the phony prosperity you've created. When it comes crashing down, every single one of you involved will pay the most severe price. I guarantee it because I am completely prepared to incite it and I know where every one of you lives."

So, now it begins, however Turner should not blame "Jews," because as Barry Chamish constantly explains on talk radio: it's the Shabtai Tzvi Jews, the anti-Jew Jews, the Judenrat and other well known perfidious types. It is not the ones in Judea and Samaria preaching against the "New World Order."