Jul 24, 2008 12:34
Our enemies are taking advantage of the fatal flaws of the American state and when they have succeeded in reducing it a mere figure, will then turn their attentions on the ones who watched it happen without resistance.
For example Lind wrote, "All Hezbollah and the Mexican drug gangs demand is a deal with the state: we’ll leave you alone if you leave us alone. The state’s real sovereignty bleeds away, but the structures remain, allowing the politicians to do what they want, i.e. continue to line their own pockets."
The so-called patriots and constitutionalists could have fought the enemy using the same 4GW tactics to regain their liberty and right to property. Instead, they demonstrated merely a disagreement about the policy of tyranny and not the tyranny itself. That is, they too are statist lovers of government power.
America was established as a refuge for religious freedom from Vatican and state church tyranny, not a secular hotel to accommodate Allah, pagans, and common thieves. Like wise Israel was a refuge for Jews and not another political hotel for whoever happened to be there.
What we find today is that "The most subtle and dangerous enemy of the Torah is none other than the State," both in the US and in Israel. Israel acting under US pressure expelled 8,000 Jews from their houses in Gaza alone, and in Texas we saw hundreds of families taken from their houses by the state, not to mention the slaughter of a Zionist kibbutz at Waco in 1993.
By the “State” we mean its political and judicial institutions, which have entrenched government’s secular elites in power.
What is characteristic in both the US and Israel is that the religious are not only the victims, but also the villains of this persecution. And the religious Christians and Jews who have acquiesced in the policy of tax and regulate for peace, are no less blameworthy than their political parties for the state's betrayal of the Brit Shalom in Israel and the Brit Chadasha in the US, promised by God.
Have the religious Christians or Jews stood up and vehemently opposed—on Torah grounds—the government? Again and again both countries have been degraded. Again and again the Torah has been degraded. Again and again the Name of God has been degraded. Not only by the Arabs or La Raza but also by the State, yes the State, the oxymoronic Federal State and their clone state of Israel —"And with no expressions of outrage by the religious parties! Where is courage? Where is love of God and Torah?"
A philosopher said “The whole purpose of the [Nazi] program... was to reduce Israel to excrement. That program included the God of Israel.” How can any less be said of the US government that reduces their own people to servile little cowardly snitches in the name of security and outlaws all public expression?
"The State of Israel was established to protect Jews and restore Jewish honor," and America was established to protect and restore dignity to religious Christians. Can it be that the United States must perish for both to survive?
Written to the tune of Must the State Perish for Israel to Live?, by Prof. Paul Eidelberg: http://jewishindy.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=8219