The Final Hal Turner Show, Aug. 30, 2008
By Hal TurnerThe Wednesday show will be live, not a re-run of Matt Hale and Tom Metzger. I may extend the final show to a third hour if warranted.
Once I leave public life, I fully intend to take care of a lot of things that have bothered me for a long time. Those who have crossed me or my family better run and hide because I intend merciless retaliation. I have kept certain things bottled up for years and when I let go, a lot of people are going to encounter my wrath. It will be cold, vicious, malevolence. I intend a level of sheer brutality not seen in a long time.
Many many people are going to regret having crossed me or my family. I don't care who they are, what job they hold, what authority they have. After this Wednesday, I begin checking off names on my list. I don't care one wit about the law, the police or the courts.