Thursday, August 9, 2007

Hawk's Report

Hawk's Report

August 9, 2007 Hawk reported heightened and overriding radio traffic at the same time that the Muslims in South Carolina were being detained. The feds turned off electricity in some areas, and began airborne command flights. The suspicion is that another incident occurred at the same time.

The traffic stop incident is the one referred to and occurred 5 August 2007 at approximately 6 p.m.

Hawk also reported that the Middle East fleet had moved to Guam. More details about the Guam operation came from Hal Turner.

On 8 August 2007, the dreaded Hal Turner said that listeners within the military had detailed that "B-2 "Stealth" bombers at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri were ordered deployed immediately to Guam," and that "military sources tell 'The Hal Turner Show' that the B-2 stealth bombers are going to attack the tribal-controlled areas inside Pakistan... the U.S. will 'sort of kill two birds with one stone' by overtly sending our B2 Stealths through the entirety of Chinese airspace to attack the northern mountainous regions of Pakistan." That detail is not accepted as true but apparently, "President Pervez Musharraf was preparing to declare a state of emergency."