Wednesday, November 28, 2007

That Time is Approaching

Nov 28, 2007 12:40

Prof. Paul Eidelberg is concluding the obvious: that a second Maccabean revolt is necessary for Jewish survival, and by extension, a second reformation for Christian survival.

It is not the enemy who kills the body that is the most dangerous, but the one who kills the righteous spirit--the leadership in governments, synagogues, and churches around the world. The prof. said, "Overwhelmed by the ineptitude, cowardice, and even treachery of various Israeli governments, many Jews here and abroad despair of Israel's future."

The whole purpose of the state is to eliminate either a Jewish State in Israel, or a Christian state in America. They succeeded by the help of rabbis and pastors, our modern Hellenists. The similarity is seen even among the Christians who prefer Greek scripture and Greek worldview over Hebrew and a Jewish perspective.

The prof. concludes, "Finally, consider two passages from the Zohar. From the first (Exodus 7b) we learn that in the “end of days,” wicked Jews will ally themselves with Israel's enemies. In the second passage (ibid. 32a) we learn that the children of Ishmael shall be eliminated from the Holy Land. When we begin to call these Jews “evil”—Jews who destroy Jewish communities and give Jewish land to Jew-killers—yes, when we begin to call these perfidious Jews “evil” (instead of “leftists” or “post-Zionists”), we will begin to win the war against our other implacable enemies.

That time is approaching."