Friday, November 30, 2007
Investigating the Russian Coup Claims
A frequent theme in the Russian intelligence leaks through Faal involves an ongoing coup between elements within US military. The latest one is that a USAF fighter attacked the oil pipelines Thursday, November 29, 2007. The same night, Hawk reported that insiders agreed that something happened. On the same day, the USAF grounded all F-15's. We start by following the reason for the grounding, which like the B-52 standown, sounds like a question of loyalty.
The first "crash" which the standown is based upon occurred Friday, November 2, 2007 at around 10 a.m. with an F-15 from the Missouri Air National Guard's 131st Fighter Wing, based at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport. The witnesses said:
"BOSS, Mo. (AP) ― An Air National Guard F-15 crashed Friday in rural south-central Missouri after the pilot ejected... I heard something fluttering, like something was wrong with the plane," said property owner Dairl Asher, 71. "I heard a bang and I saw some smoke."
"Ted Pryor, 34, and David Major, 39, saw the plane circling, got into a truck and went to the site of the crash, then called authorities."
"You could tell he was scared," Pryor said of the pilot. "He
kept saying, `I feel like I'm going into shock."'
Pictures do not show the outline of a separated airframe. There was another incident:
"Another Missouri Air National Guard fighter crashed in May after taking off from Lambert. That fighter, an F-15D, had been conducting drills about eight miles south of Vincennes, Ind., when a jammed cable caused it to crash, according to an Air Force report released last week. The report said the crossover cable was properly installed, inspected and maintained, leaving unclear why it malfunctioned." Therefore not the cause.
First reports sounded as if the plane was alone. But later the story arose when,
"Col. Robert Leeker, commander of the 131st Fighter Wing, said Friday the plane had been among four planes that split into pairs and engaged in one-on-one training fights in which speeds of 400 to 450 mph are typical. The other planes returned safely." Other planes were present and then sped away.
Sort of like the incident when an A-10 went AWOL over Colorado, under "militia influence", and was tracked by radar until it "crashed," and then could not be found, they have closed the crash site.
"Salem, Mo. - An area of approximately nine (9) square miles near Boss, Missouri, on the Salem Ranger District has been closed to all public use. According to Acting Mark Twain National Forest Supervisor Paul Strong, “A request was made to the Forest by the Missouri Air National Guard to temporarily close this area to all public access to protect public health and safety during an ongoing investigation of a Missouri Air National Guard jet that crashed on Friday, November 2, 2007, east of Salem, Missouri." The wreck was not scattered.
The November 2 crash investigation did not find a serious mechanical problem. Perhaps none. But on Friday Nov. 30, 2007 the report was:
"Air Combat Command announced today that A, B, C and D-model versions of the fighter would “stand down” for an indefinite period of time.... Wednesday’s announcement comes 12 days after F-15 A-D units were told their jets could return to flight as each fighter passed a 15-hour-long inspection."
There is enough inconsistency to classify the USAF story as another lie. If there were a coup, there would be doubt about everyone who had a weapons system. The odd thing is that if true, then both sides want it kept quiet.
Troubling America on November 2, 2007 was the Political Pariah, the Messiah, who left a long trail that same day:
Judge Approves Subpoenas for Rice in Spy Case,,2933,307738,00.html
Police Investigate Latest Senate Office Fire,,2933,307660,00.html
Nuke Power Plant Off Lockdown After Security Alert,,2933,307696,00.html
Air National Guard Jet Crashes, Pilot Ejected,,2933,307693,00.html
I-95 Shut Down in Both Directions After Tanker Crash,,2933,307686,00.html,4567,110207,00.html
Warren's Sermon on the Mount
We must protect the unity of the body of god from the dissenting voices who would turn us back, turn back the clock, on unity. There is only on god and he is there for us no matter what name we call him: whether it is Jehovah, Jesus, or Allah! All those who call on the name of the lord are saved.
But there are many who do not believe in our Lord, who sow division in the body, division in society-- dividing peoples groups. "You've got to protect the unity of your church. If that means getting rid of troublemakers, do it." You need to protect society from the terrorism of these voices. Hatred and discord, anger and radicalism. From error. "It's not always easy, but it's what we've been called to do." It's not always pleasant, but the cost is too high to permit these voices to go unchecked.
We know how destructive a heretic can be, that's why we were warned, "A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself." They do their damage in secret, where no man can see them, but god sees them!
Destruction comes in the form of disunity in the church, disunity in government, discord in society. It is the duty of government to crush dissent in society and my duty to crush it in the church. The danger is too great not to. When Rome failed to crush dissent it led to the Reformation. When England failed, it led to a revolution. When Antiochus failed to enforce the law it led to a revolution. All of this confusion could have been prevented, and we will not be negligent or careless to appreciate the danger that we face today.
We must remove the radicalizers from the church and from society at all costs, by whatever means necessary. To do that we need to work closely with law enforcement, with our Muslim brothers facing Islamist, and with our Jewish brothers facing Haredi and Hill Top dissenters. United we can stop the blasphemous act of rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem, a place where the Shekhinah glory once lived. We have been set free, and will not turn the clock back to worship in one place as if god could inhabit only one place--god is everywhere.
Early Pipeline Reports
The Clearwater County Sheriff's Office said the fire was reported about 3:50 p.m. Thursaday, November 29, 2007.
"The bodies of the two workers have been recovered, according to Kristine Chapin of the Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety.The Clearwater County Sheriff's Department said emergency workers were responding to the scene of the Enbridge Energy explosion, which was reported at 3:51 p.m.
The blast and oil spill appeared to be self-contained and the ensuing fire was expected to burn itself out, according to the sheriff's department. The fire was expected to burn through the night.
Tom Burford, the editor of the Farmers Independent newspaper in Bagley said he was recently near the fire scene. He reports that roads were blocked and he was able to get about ¼ mile away from the explosion. Burford said he saw a "huge billowing" plumes of smoke and fire. Residents within close proximity have been evacuated.."
Comments one blogger, "Crude oil has a flash point of roughly 250C and has to be misted to even burn and be ignited by spark. The amount spilled, once ignited by whatever means would erupt in a wall of smoke and flames as the flame front spread immediately across the pool. There should be no shockwave, no noise at distance and no impact damage as a result of the hugh whoosh."
Thursday, November 29, 2007
CAP's Overfly Pipeline
"The Hawk" is reporting from military insiders that the USAF was in total chaos when "unauthorized flights" flew into the area of the pipeline explosion. Radio hams say F-15's, others say "hotter". The entire F-15 fleet is grounded by coincidence. The story is still in confusion as to why a coup is being fought in Minnesota, in what would be a second major incident.
The explosion excuse is as stupid as "TWA800 got hot and blew itself up" and even Russian intelligence is freaking out about the incident. Spetsnaz is not as good as the one troubling America, however.
Russian intelligence is saying:
Disturbing reports are circulating in the Kremlin today detailing an attack upon one of the United States key oil pipelines from Canada, and which provides one-fifth of America’s oil supply and has caused the price of oil on the World market to surge over $4 a barrel.
According to Russian oil experts, though, as outlined in these reports, the possibility of crude oil pipelines spontaneously ‘exploding’ are ‘nil’ as they do not contain the volatile organic components needed for ignition, with the exception being the introduction of an explosive incendiary.
Russian Military Analysts, according to these reports, are painting a more ominous picture of this troubling event beginning with the United States Air Force this week grounding, for the second time in one month, the American Homeland’s first line of defense fighter jet, the F-15.
The grounding of all US F-15 fighter jets necessitated the immediate redeployment of the 148th Fighter Wing of the Minnesota Air National Guard to the United States Eastern Corridor due to their possessing the still in service F-16 fighter jets, and which left the airspace over the oil pipelines in Minnesota unprotected.
Russian Military translations of the communications emanating from the United States Air Force Offutt Base in Nebraska further detail massive confusion among the US military air traffic controllers controlling the airspace over the northern parts of America during the time of the pipeline explosion by the ‘unreported’ and ‘unauthorized’ over flight of Minnesota by 2, believed to be, F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighters whose flight had originated from an ‘unknown’ air base in Nevada.
Russian oil analysts detail that the American economy cannot long sustain the huge amounts of oil being used by their Military Forces unless they begin to severely curtail their domestic supply. This has been further brought home to the Americans by OPEC, who has decided to guarantee Asia’s oil supply, which is 50% of their output, at the expense of the Untied States.
For whatever the truths of these events occurring in the United States it remains certain that, once again, the American people themselves, held as virtual prisoners in their own Nation, will bear the severe brunt of the ongoing machinations between their feuding War Leaders.
Regardless of the reason, if foreign governments believe that a coup is in process, the entire nation is at risk. Such a scenario does leave out the fact that the Political Pariah, the Messiah is at war with Bush and Rice.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
That Time is Approaching
Prof. Paul Eidelberg is concluding the obvious: that a second Maccabean revolt is necessary for Jewish survival, and by extension, a second reformation for Christian survival.
It is not the enemy who kills the body that is the most dangerous, but the one who kills the righteous spirit--the leadership in governments, synagogues, and churches around the world. The prof. said, "Overwhelmed by the ineptitude, cowardice, and even treachery of various Israeli governments, many Jews here and abroad despair of Israel's future."
The whole purpose of the state is to eliminate either a Jewish State in Israel, or a Christian state in America. They succeeded by the help of rabbis and pastors, our modern Hellenists. The similarity is seen even among the Christians who prefer Greek scripture and Greek worldview over Hebrew and a Jewish perspective.
The prof. concludes, "Finally, consider two passages from the Zohar. From the first (Exodus 7b) we learn that in the “end of days,” wicked Jews will ally themselves with Israel's enemies. In the second passage (ibid. 32a) we learn that the children of Ishmael shall be eliminated from the Holy Land. When we begin to call these Jews “evil”—Jews who destroy Jewish communities and give Jewish land to Jew-killers—yes, when we begin to call these perfidious Jews “evil” (instead of “leftists” or “post-Zionists”), we will begin to win the war against our other implacable enemies.
That time is approaching."
Rice and Bush Responsible for Nine Major FEMA Disasters and Two Major Crises
2007: Nine Major FEMA Disasters and Two Major Crises Coincide with U.S. Involvement in the Israel "Peace" Process
By Bill Koenig
I primarily focus on billion dollar-plus U.S. events that coincide with White House involvement with Israel’s land. However, after research, I discovered there were nine major FEMA disasters and/or clusters of events in 2007 and two other major crises that coincided either with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s visit to Jerusalem or U.S. President George W. Bush, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Secretary Rice’s Quartet meetings.
After four of Rice’s eight trips to Israel this year, President Bush declared major FEMA disasters for events that coincided with her trips to Israel.
Four disaster events and/or clusters of events were weather-related. A fifth disaster occurred when a major bridge collapsed in the Congressional district of Congress’ only Muslim Congressman -- on the day he stated he was going back to Israel to work on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. At the same time, Rice was in Jerusalem meeting with Olmert, Shimon Peres, Tzipi Livni, and Ehud Barak.
The bridge collapsed in the area known as the ‘West Bank’ -- the west bank of the Mississippi River at the campus of the University of Minnesota. (There is a West Bank campus and an East Bank campus.)
During Rice’s November trip to Israel there was a major political crisis for the Bush Administration in Pakistan, a sixth major non-FEMA weather event, record oil-prices, and the euro hit a new high against the US dollar .
There were five additional major FEMA disaster events and/or clusters of events that occurred in the United States in 2007 that coincided with President Bush and Rice preparing for a meeting with Olmert, meeting with Olmert in Washington, and during Rice’s Quartet meetings.
The costliest FEMA event in 2007 was the billion dollar Southern California fires in October, which were right on the heels of Rice’s five day visit to Israel to push for her Middle East Summit at Annapolis -- where there were discussions on the boundaries and timing of a Palestinian state, the forfeiture of Judea and Samaria, pressure to divide Jerusalem, and initial discussions on the sovereignty over the Temple Mount.
Rice in Israel (2007) …
Rice visits Tel Aviv/Jerusalem, 1/13-15; Ramallah, 1/14; Egypt 1/15; Saudi Arabia 1/15-16; Kuwait 1/16-17; Germany 1/17-18, and Great Britain 1/18-19.
Rice pitches President Bush's vision of "Israel and Palestine -- living side by side in peace and security" in all the stops and goes to Germany and Britain to give status reports.
President Bush declares major FEMA disasters due to severe winter storms in Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas from 1/13-19. The California freeze loss was over $1 billion -- affecting a majority of the orange and lemon crops.
During Rice's stops in Germany and Britain, those countries experienced record hurricane-force winds that shut down the train system in Germany, affected trains in Britain, forced the cancellation of most flights out of Frankfurt and London Heathrow's airports, and disrupted barge travel throughout northern Europe and left tremendous property damage.
Rice visits Tel Aviv/Jerusalem, 2/17-20; Ramallah, 2/18.
Aluf Benn of Ha'aretz wrote, "A kind word for Condoleezza," saying that people who spoke to Secretary of State Rice during her visit that week were impressed by her determination to invest the remainder of her tenure in promoting a "two-state solution" for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Rice: "As I have said, it is, in fact, a complicated time because we are between the announcement of the intention to form a [Palestinian] government and the actual formation of the government."
There was no FEMA disaster or apparent political crisis that corresponded to this trip. Rice's main purpose was the establishment of a Palestinian government. However, she was furious over Abbas' agreement with Hamas for a unity government that the Saudis brokered.
Rice visits Tel Aviv/Jerusalem, 3/25-27; Ramallah, 3/25.
SECRETARY RICE on 3/23: "But what I believe is very important is that all parties in the international community, and that includes the Arab states, should recognize in order to get to an Israeli-Palestinian state, an end to the -- a Palestinian state and an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, you need the energy and the help of moving forward on the Arab-Israeli side not at the end of the process but earlier in the process."
SECRETARY RICE on 3/27: "There is a growing consensus behind President Bush's vision of the State of Israel and the new State of Palestine living side by side in peace and security, as well as an urgent desire to achieve it. The violent extremism we see in the Middle East poses a grave threat to all who seek peace. President Abbas truly desires to be a partner for peace."
President Bush declares major FEMA disasters for severe storms and tornados in New Mexico from Mar. 23-24.
Rice visits Egypt from May 1-4.
Question of Rice: "Other than the meeting about Iraq, today there was a meeting of the Quartet with the Arab countries about the initiative, the Arab Initiative. With the Israeli problems, there is a deadlock now in this process. How do you view this in the light of visit to the area?"
SECRETARY RICE: "Well, the informal discussion that we are going to have will take place after this. And so we've not yet had that informal discussion. It's just an opportunity for the international Quartet to -- we're taking advantage of the fact that we're all here for the international Quartet to hear from the Arab League committee that is going to be presenting in various quarters the Arab League Initiative, as was sent out of the Riyadh summit. So we've not yet had that discussion."
President Bush declares major FEMA disasters for severe storms, tornadoes and flooding for Kansas, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Missouri and Nebraska from May 4-19.
Rice Visits Tel Aviv/Jerusalem, 8/1-2; Ramallah, 8/2/07.
On Wednesday, Aug. 1, Secretary of State Rice, in a visit to Jerusalem, began laying the groundwork for a Mideast peace conference -- hoping to push Israelis and Palestinians closer to renewing talks.
On Wednesday, the day the United States' Muslim Congressman announced he was making a trip to Israel, a major bridge tragically collapsed in his (Minnesota) congressional district. The bridge's construction was completed in 1967. The area it fell in is called the "west bank" because of a concentration of Muslims. Rice was in Jerusalem meeting with Ehud Olmert, Tzipi Livni, Shimon Peres and Ehud Barak.
The bridge collapse gained national and international attention.
President Bush stated from the Rose Garden: "I just finished a Cabinet meeting. One of the things we discussed was the terrible situation there in Minneapolis. We talked about the fact that the bridge collapsed, and that we in the federal government must respond and respond robustly to help the people there not only recover, but to make sure that lifeline of activity, that bridge, gets rebuilt as quickly as possible."
Rice visits Tel Aviv/Jerusalem, 9/19-20; Ramallah, 9/20.
SECRETARY RICE: "We have had wide-ranging discussions today about the discussions that are going on in the bilateral channel between Prime Minister Olmert and President Abbas. I was very pleased to hear that teams have been appointed to work on a document that you would hope to complete by the time of the international meeting."
As Rice was finishing her two-day trip to Israel, the Associated Press stated the weather system that began to develop on Wednesday, which forecasters said might develop into a tropical depression, caused the temporary, precautionary closure of about a quarter of the Gulf of Mexico's daily oil production on Thursday. That lent an extra boost to the oil market's already strong record-breaking run, because traders view U.S. crude inventories as tight. Last week, crude inventories declined.
There was no FEMA disaster or apparent political crisis that corresponded to this trip.
Rice’s five day visit to Israel was to push for her Middle East Summit at Annapolis -- where there were discussions on the boundaries and timing of a Palestinian state, the forfeiture of Judea and Samaria, pressure to divide Jerusalem, and initial discussions on the sovereignty over the Temple Mount.
Rice visits Tel Aviv/Jerusalem, 10/14-18; Ramallah, 10/15-17. Rice leaves Jerusalem on 10/18.
The Dalai Lama visits President Bush on 10/16. President Bush and Congress presents Dalai Lama with the Congressional Gold Medal on 10/17.
Santa Ana winds begin on 10/19 in Southern California; they become hurricane-force winds on 10/20 through 10/22.
The Southern California wildfires burned 518,066 acres, destroyed 3,097 structures, and damaged 509 structures.
President Bush declared a major FEMA disaster from Southern California's fires on 10/21 and toured the area on Thursday, 10/25.
As Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was on her way to Israel and in Israel to discuss the future of their land there was a major political crisis for the Bush Administration in Pakistan, a sixth major non-FEMA weather event, and record oil-prices and the euro hit a new high against the dollar.
Rice leaves for Turkey and Israel, 11/1-2/. She arrives in Tel Aviv/Jerusalem, 11/3; Jerusalem, 11/4-5, Ramallah, 11/5. Leaves Jerusalem on 11/5.
Friday, 11/2
Rice, Hadley to be subpoenaed in pro-Israel lobby spy case
Hurricane Noel churning toward Cape Cod and New England
Saturday, 11/3
Pakistian’s Musharaf declares state of emergency
Pakistan under martial law
Bush under attack for backing Musharaf and giving Pakistan $10 billion in aide
Rice arrives in Jerusalem
Sub-tropical storm Noel plows into Cape Cod and Maine
Sunday, 11/4
Rice meets with Olmert in Jerusalem
Rice says Pakistan state of emergency `highly regrettable`
Fayad urges Israel to free 2,000 prisoners ahead of peace summit
Syria slams U.S. 'interference' in Lebanese presidential elections
Monday, 11/5
Rice meets with Abbas
Bush forced to reassess his faith in Musharraf
Musharraf put in motion a trifecta of trouble for the Bush Administration
Markets fear banks have $1 trillion in toxic debt
Rice leaves Jerusalem
Tuesday, 11/6
Suicide bomber attacks Afghan lawmakers, at least 64 killed, including five parliamentarians
Oil hits $97 on bombs, demand prediction
Euro hits new high vs. dollar in New York
White House counsel dealt threat of contempt by Congress
Bush, Olmert, and Rice's Quartet Activities and FEMA Events in 2007
There were five major FEMA disaster events and/or clusters of events that coincided with President Bush and/or Rice preparing for a meeting with Olmert, meeting Olmert in Washington, or during Rice's Quartet meetings.
Those occurred during or shortly after …
Meetings of the Quartet at the State Department
The time the Bush Administration announced it was giving $59 million to the Palestinians
The announcement of Olmert's visit to Washington and the meeting of the Quartet in Berlin
Olmert's actual meeting at the White House
Olmert evicting Jews from their homes in Hebron and stating it was a time for a Palestinian state and a peace deal due to Bush Administration pressure.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was preparing on Feb. 1 to host the Quartet at the State Department in Washington, D.C. The meetings convened on Feb. 2 to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
SECRETARY RICE: "I would like to welcome the members of the Quartet to Washington, to the State Department. I especially want to welcome Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to his first Quartet meeting, and our colleague Frank-Walter Steinmeier as the president of the EU to his first meeting of the Quartet." "We have had very fruitful discussions about our desire to see an acceleration of progress toward the establishment of a Palestinian state in accordance with the roadmap. These discussions have been very fruitful, and I would now turn to Secretary-General Ban who will, in fact, read the Quartet statement which will also be made available to all of you later."
As the Quartet was meeting on the future of Israel's land in Washington, D.C., the state of Florida was beginning the "same-day" clean-up from the second-deadliest series of tornadoes in state history.
President Bush declared a major FEMA disaster from the effects of severe storms and tornadoes during the period of Feb. 1-2, 2007.
President Bush gave Palestinian President Abbas $59 million. That was followed by Secretary of State Rice's extensive activity in Washington, D.C., regarding the land of Israel -- and resultant meetings in Jerusalem between Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
"We are clear to proceed," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said of the $59 million aid plan.
The Financial Times reported that Israeli and Palestinian leaders met on Sunday, Apr. 15 -- after agreeing, under U.S. prodding, to hold biweekly meetings; but aides said key issues remained off the agenda, which focused on economic ties and security concerns in the occupied territories.
Israeli Prime Minister Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas held talks in Jerusalem and agreed to next meet in the West Bank town of Jericho. "It was a good beginning," said Saeb Erekat, Palestinian negotiator. Mr. Olmert's aides said he was prepared to talk about the economic and governmental structures of a future Palestinian state but not about defining its borders or other issues. Israel says there can be no real progress until there are reforms in the militant group Hamas, which shares power with Mr. Abbas' Fatah Party.
Condoleezza Rice urged Israel to give the Palestinians a "political horizon" outlining future statehood, and U.S. officials said that fundamental talks could start later this year.
President Bush declared major FEMA disasters for New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and Kentucky for the Apr. 15-16 storms and flooding.
The White House announced on May 29 that Olmert was to visit the White House on June 19.
The Quartet met in Berlin on May 30. The Quartet principals agreed to meet in the region in June with the Israelis and Palestinians to review progress and discuss the way forward. The Quartet also agreed to meet in the region with members of the Arab League to follow up on the Arab Peace Initiative and efforts to advance the regional track.
Rice and the White House continued preparing for the June 18-19 meetings.
President Bush declared major FEMA disasters for Nebraska's severe storms and flooding of May 28-June 2; North Dakota's severe storms and flooding of June 2-18; and Oklahoma's severe storms, flooding and tornadoes of June 10–July 25.
Olmert arrived in Washington on Sunday, June 17.
In preparation for White House talks with President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, Olmert met with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley on June 18 to develop a joint strategy aimed at strengthening Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
Olmert visited President Bush at the White House on June 19.
President Bush declared major FEMA disasters for Texas' severe storms, tornadoes and flooding of June 16-18; and New York's severe storms and flooding of June 19.
Under White House pressure, Olmert forced Jews out of homes in Hebron and declared that now is the time for a Palestinian state (on 8/7-8).
President Bush declared a major FEMA disaster for New York due to severe storms, flooding and tornadoes on Aug. 8.
Saturday, November 24, 2007

Bush: the Islamic George Washington
Jews establish a parallel government in Jerusalem...
Major US disasters to follow Annapolis
Freak tides flood English towns...
Freak tides flood Jakarta...
Red tide attacks Florida...
Sea Launch Thwarted by Freak Ocean Conditions...
11th-hour trip by Rubin to Emirates...
Billionaire to Canada: Time for amero is now
Cheney treated for irregular heartbeat...
Surrender!: Olmert Agrees to Joint Declaration, Timetable
1st fires in October began within 24 hours of Rice leaving Jerusalem...
U.S. dollar could plunge 90 pct...SCORCHED...
Annapolis Puts Police on High Alert
Annapolis Area Under High Terror Alert
Annapolis will bring death and destruction
Hundreds at Anti-Annapolis Rally in Jerusalem
Legally defining religious separatists as terrorists...
Thanksgiving: the American Sukkot?
Hundreds of banks threatened by end of foreclosure fraud...
Mounting Concern Over Annapolis
High Alert in Annapolis, Washington, Western Negev
3:30 a.m. PST Saturday: Malibu Lake Ablaze Again...
Tremors Hit Israel Over Shabbat
Secret test caught by KPRC...
Policeman, Leftist Hurt in Bil'in Riot
Cheap UAV available for rioters...
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Update: How Apostles Do What they Do
Between 1935 and 1963, the Soviet Union knew all of Britain's military and scientific secrets thanks to "The Cambridge Five" a spy ring that operated in M1-5, MI-6 and the Foreign Office.
The traitors were Kim Philby, Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt. But there is a natural reluctance to admit that "the Fifth Man" was Nathaniel Meyer Victor Rothschild (1910-1990), the Third Baron Rothschild, the British head of the world's richest banking dynasty, which controls the Bank of England.
In 1993, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, six retired KGB Colonels in Moscow confirmed Rothschild's identity to Roland Perry. Col. Yuri Modin, the spy ring's handler, went on the record.
Perry writes: "According to ...Modin, Rothschild was the key to most of the Cambridge ring's penetration of British intelligence. 'He had the contacts,' Modin noted. 'He was able to introduce Burgess, Blunt and others to important figures in Intelligence such as Stewart Menzies, Dick White and Robert Vansittart in the Foreign Office... who controlled Mi-6." (p.89)
The 1955 Cold War against the American Fringe
404 members of the U.S. House of Representatives passed a decree called the 'Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007'; this bill is perfectly summed up here [1]
Since the bill doesn't specifically define what an extremist belief system is, it is entirely up to the interpretation of the government.
Why was this bill passed now? America is on the brink of financial ruin and they are now very afraid of what's going to happen when the peasants (that's us) find themselves left with nothing.
2 Million Americans Face Losing Their Home. Credit problems once confined to high-risk mortgage borrowers are spreading across the consumer landscape. Cash-strapped Americans are raiding their 401(k)s. October 14, 2007: "Despite potential tax and investment problems, more investors have been borrowing from their 401(k) plans or taking hardship withdrawals.
The definition of violent radicalization uses vague language to define this term of promoting any belief system that the government considers to be an extremist. Literally, the government according to this definition can define whatever they want as an extremist belief system. Essentially they have defined violent radicalization as thought crime.
Violent radicalization, as in someone saying, these people should be hung for what they have done. Like at Nuremburg.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Syrian raid backlash: Putin warns we will retaliate if you nuke again...
Chinese refuse Kitty Hawk port call...
Federal Reserve bankrupt, causing oil rise...
India, Russia to build stealth planes... super missiles...
Abbas, November 26 or 27
Message from John L. Petersen on the Coming Crash
Thick Fog Causes Delays at LA Airport...
Travel week shaping up to be 'nightmare'
Dissenters Should Be Tased...
Israel to be ruled by Quartet
NAU 'a couple years away': US to be ruled by another Quaret...
Shots fired at anti-NAU organizer
Ashkelon mayor agrees to surrender...
Hamas army almost ready...
Mild Earthquake Moves Little in Israel
Earthquake Strikes Off Oregon Coast
Dollar Weakens Further
Final Warning: Civil War
vaccination clinics set up in courts... jail time if kids not vaccinated
Maryland stirring uproar: no law just media
PG government imitates Nazis...
Quartet and Rice To Meet Day before Annapolis
Bush Worried about No-Shows at Annapolis
Annapolis Forces Olmert to Break Vow on 'Jewish State'
Founding fathers were terrorists...
DOWN: Bye bye petro-dollar Christians, Dollar Another Record Low...
25 cent gasoline soon...
Oil scam scams the scammers...
Huge natural gas field 'discovered' in Texas...
Sustainable oil?
Monday, November 19, 2007
Thanksgiving: the American Sukkot?
Many Americans, upon seeing a decorated sukkah for the first time, remark on how much the sukkah (and the holiday generally) reminds them of Thanksgiving. This may not be entirely coincidental: I was taught that our American pilgrims, who originated the Thanksgiving holiday, borrowed the idea from Sukkot.
The pilgrims were deeply religious people. When they were trying to find a way to express their thanks for their survival and for the harvest, they looked to the Bible for an appropriate way of celebrating and found Sukkot. This is not the standard story taught in public schools today (that a Thanksgiving holiday is an English custom that the Pilgrims brought over), but the Sukkot explanation of Thanksgiving fits better with the meticulous research of Mayflower historian Caleb Johnson, who believes that the original Thanksgiving was a harvest festival (as is Sukkot), that it was observed in October (as Sukkot usually is), and that Pilgrims would not have celebrated a holiday that was not in the Bible (but Sukkot is in the Bible).
A simple conclusion is that the earliest Thanksgivings were Sukkot especially considering that Christmas was not observed because the birth of Messiah would have been understood to have been on Sukkot, in a sukkah (the manger).
The History channel wrote, "The pilgrims, English separatists that came to America in 1620, were even more orthodox in their Puritan beliefs than Cromwell. As a result, Christmas was not a holiday in early America. From 1659 to 1681, the celebration of Christmas was actually outlawed in Boston..."
A good way of defying the political priests of today is to observe Sukkot at thanksgiving and move Christmas back on the calendar to sukkot!
Sukkot will begin on the following days on the American calendar:
September 27, 2007 (Jewish Year 5768)
October 14, 2008 (Jewish Year 5769)
October 3, 2009 (Jewish Year 5770)
September 23, 2010 (Jewish year 5771)
October 13, 2011 (Jewish year 5772)
Saturday, November 17, 2007
vaccination clinics set up in courts... jail time if kids not vaccinated...
Maryland stirring uproar: no law just media...
PG government imitates Nazis...
Founding fathers were terrorists...
Raid target: 'This is war'...
Ron Paul gets Israel's endorsement...
Rebels ID FBI silver theft ring...
... Judge involved...
Liberty Dollar Seizure Warrant Disclosed
Paul Terrorist linking preparing for terror prevention law...
Rebels subdue police, rough-up New York governor...
Rebels planing civil war ...
Fed Injects another $47 Billion Into System
Appropriations bill authorizes troops for the streets
Feds planning for 50-state war...
US Jews urged to leave US
100,000 Jews must evacuate
Texas experiencing the return of flying dragons
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Rebels subdue police, rough-up New York governor...
Rebels ID FBI silver theft ring...
... Judge involved...
Ron Paul gets Israel's endorsement...
Turning The Police State Apparatus Against Dissenters...
PG county forcing a confrontation
... but not majority of Yesha Jews... forming shadow government...
Tehran deploys air defense around Damascus ...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
New York Rebels Beat Spitzer and State Police
By Hal Turner
New York State Governor Elliott Spitzer was allegedly physically intercepted and beaten late today by pro-White Americans fed up with the Governor's efforts to give Driver Licenses to illegal aliens.
The New York State Police protective detail which guards the Governor was reportedly overcome almost instantly when TAZERS were used to incapacitate them. Despite wearing bullet resistant vests, the Troopers succumbed to the TAZER electric shock which can penetrate up to two inches of clothing.
Once the State Troopers were taken down, the governor was reportedly smacked in the head several times and is said to have fallen to the ground to shield himself. The blows were reportedly strong enough to get his attention without seriously hurting him.
Witnesses claim the Governor was told by the attackers that he was not going to be allowed to give Driver Licenses to illegal aliens and if he did not drop the plan, he would be intercepted again and killed. The attackers also reportdely called the Governor "filthy jew" during that attack and told him he was getting Aryan justice.
Governor Spitzer reportedly cried out for help from the State Troopers and, when he realized they had been incapacitated, the Governor swore to give up his plans to grant Driver Licenses to Illegal Aliens. He is expected to announce the program to give Driver Licenses to Illegal Aliens is "dead" sometime tomorrow, Wednesday, November 14.
The Hal Turner Radio Show, which airs on 95.1 FM in the New York City area, is being blamed for encouraging the attack. The host of that show has long opined that using force against Government officials has become necessary because they have become so arrogant, they think they can ignore the public. Turner has also long opined that once the politicians started getting smacked around, they would fold like cheap cameras - just like Elliot Spitzer did today.
When asked for comment, Turner said "Let this be a warning to every other elected official in the United States. We can overcome your protective detail the same way and knock the hell out you too if you persist in defying The Will of The People." Turner went on to say "We The People run this country. We have repeatedly instructed our elected officials to cease accommodating illegal aliens and we will not tolerate defiance."
All of the attackers - who wore black ski masks, black jackets with Nazi symbols on them -- got away.
Police have no tangible way to connect Turner to the attacks but said if the attackers are ultimately arrested, they intend to prosecute Turner for criminal culpability if it can be proved Turner's on-air remarks spawned todays attack.,2933,311544,00.html
Americans Warned to Get Ready for a Big Disaster
Rabbis have formally warned the Bush administration that the pressure that Bush and Rice exert on Israel will result in retribution by the Political Pariah the Messiah. Specifically the junta is trying to accomplish two major goals: first, to eliminate national sovereignty in one of the few nations still clinging to the outmoded concept. Second, to compel Israel to not be a Jewish nation, but to be like America, a nation that is politically and culturally secular and where the Christians are also secular pagans.
Largely the US Jews don't want Israel but are happy to be where they are. Israel National Radio's Tamar Yonah is warning US Jews that they should run while they can still escape. Escape. She said, "The German Jews thought they were safe in Germany. They were proud Germans. They're dead now.
Do you really think America is any different than Germany, which was one of the most liberal and 'enlightened' countries in Europe in the 1930's."
Russian president Putin has been warning the arrogant Americans of this same thing for the last year. The new terror laws have nothing to do with Allah but are designed to prevent "parallel societies." Like devout religious people who refuse to obey evil bureaucrats (not Allah's people, of course). The US governments are becoming worse than the nationalists, socialists whom the Christians of Germany voted for--and died as a result.
Yonah concluded: "If Jerusalem is divided, I don't want to even think what will happen to America[1]. Remember Hurricane Katrina when Jews were expelled from Gaza? I don't know for sure whether this was divine retribution for Gaza[2], but as a G-d fearing person, I know that NOTHING happens by accident, and G-d controls everything. Click [2] to read a controversial article I wrote back in 2005 on 'Katrina and Katif: some connections to consider'."
If history is repeated, evicting 100,000 Yesha residents will result in about 1 million US dislocations as a result of disasters.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Feds planning for 50-state war...
... Rebels planning next US civil war...
US Jews warned to leave US...
New York tyrant gets first taste of more to come...
PG county forcing a confrontation...
...No law, but so what
... Americans warned to be prepared for calamity...
Rice: Majority of Israelis Would Give Up Yesha...
... but not majority of Yesha Jews... forming shadow government...
500 billion in mortgage defaults within 24 months...
HSBC says loan problems spreading; Closes branches and cuts jobs in USA...
Report: Orlando foreclosure filings up 184%...
Southern California home prices hit 2-1/2 year low...
Thousands Powerless as Windstorm Lashes Wash. State
Winds Wreak Havoc in Southwest Montana
Pakistan: we can retaliate if US tries another Syrian-like raid...
Russian Military Chief Calls America "Evil"...
...New Evil Empire begins to be haunted...
Police no longer seen as honorable...
Recon helicopter...
Monday, November 12, 2007
Civil War to Accompany US Economic Crash
Civil war was expected and the first indication of imminent hostility is the abandonment of fear and restraint of phony law. We have that from the man who everyone loves to hate without fear of being ostracized, Hal Turner, who said about the present crisis:
"This disaster was caused by present and former members of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate who enacted NAFTA, GATT and the WTO, sending millions of US jobs overseas while simultaneously increasing deficit spending by government until the entire nation was broke.
The pending economic disaster was aided and abetted by members and former members of the Federal Reserve Bank(s) and their Board of Governors, who monetized the debt being incurred by the Politicians and who then concealed the monetization by halting the public publishing of "M-3" data.
Finally, this economic collapse was assisted by greedy Boards of Directors of the FORTUNE 1000 Manufacturing Companies and the FORTUNE 500 largest companies, who played right into the profits-before-national-loyalty zeitgiest and shipped our manufacturing jobs out of the country.
When the collapse happens, we are going to take revenge upon every single person who had a hand in the financial destruction. No matter their wealth, no matter their power, NOT ONE will escape the street justice that we are planning. . . . . and we are planning it.
We don't give a [politically incorrect expletive] about the law, we don't give a [politically incorrect expletive] about the courts and we certainly don't give a [politically incorrect expletive] about the military which is stretched so thin they can't even defeat some ragheads in Iraq!
So you big shots in politics, banking and business, go ahead and enjoy the last few months of the phony prosperity you've created. When it comes crashing down, every single one of you involved will pay the most severe price. I guarantee it because I am completely prepared to incite it and I know where every one of you lives."
So, now it begins, however Turner should not blame "Jews," because as Barry Chamish constantly explains on talk radio: it's the Shabtai Tzvi Jews, the anti-Jew Jews, the Judenrat and other well known perfidious types. It is not the ones in Judea and Samaria preaching against the "New World Order."
1st talk of civil war begins...
Planning for a new shadow government in Israel...
500 billion in mortgage defaults within 24 months...
Thousands Powerless as Windstorm Lashes Wash. State
Israel on Red Alert: Syrian retaliation for US nuke attack expected!...
... Follows August 30th nuclear mistake by 70 crewmen...
Nukes stored in Iraq explode...
Chinese sub pops into Navy exercise undetected... again...
Syria did not retaliate against Israel... but was involved, and jittery...
Too late, against G-d, America will suffer too...
Talk of 'Worst Recession Since the 1930s'...
Syrian plight more acute than Iran or Iraq, US about to invade...
Bush to publicize Iranian nuclear program... Tehran to unleash wave of suicide fighters ...
US expected to move into Syria...
Five killed at Arafat rally in Gaza...
Witnesses: Hamas Opens Fire...
PA Confers with Syria before Annapolis
Diplomats in High Gear for Annapolis
Olmert Says Annapolis Meeting To Last One Day
Olmert to Demand Acceptance of Israel After Annapolis
Abbas Team Won't Recognize Israel as Jewish State
Bank of Israel Warns of Effects if U.S. Economy Slides
Friday, November 9, 2007
Harry Reid to be paid a house visit as an example...
Syrian plight more acute than Iran or Iraq, US about to invade...
Israel on Red Alert: Syrian retaliation for US nuke attack expected!...
... Follows August 30th nuclear mistake by 70 crewmen...
Nukes stored in Iraq explode...
Chinese sub pops into Navy exercise undetected... again...
US expected to move into Syria...
Rice to Syria: Golan on Annapolis Agenda...
Rice Told Russia Golan an Issue at Annapolis...
Russia being ravaged by storm...
Muslims to create new representative US government...
Global Financial Meltdown
Dollar Collapse to Trigger Global Financial Meltdown...
Israel to surrender if number of competing terrorist reduced...
Deepening Concerns About Banks...
More Credit Writedowns...
WACHOVIA Whacked...
Hagee accused of denying Jesus was Messiah...
Churches deny Israel is the land of the Jews...
Rumors of War with Russia
Russian intelligence has been warning the obvious: that the US has become the world's greatest police state. They are predicting that the US is willing to begin another World War. Now they are acting on their fear and warning potential EU allies that "Unless the Nations of the World can defeat the horrific monster the United States has become, this chilling prediction will most certainly come true."
"Reports from the Kremlin today are showing that President Putin is deadly serious in bringing a halt to the United States War Leaders plan for World War III with his issuing orders for the ‘immediate deployment’ of Russia’s 20th and 22nd Armies to the western borders of the Nation."
The cause of the political instability is the collapse of the US banking system. The analysis of the situation is that:
The worst Nations affected by the collapse of their economies are the United States and France, with the French government announcing this past September:
"France is bankrupt and can no longer afford to pay its workers generous salaries and subsidies, its prime minister has declared. Francois Fillon made the undiplomatic outburst during a trip to the French island of Corsica, where farmers were demanding more government money. "I am at the head of a state that is in a position of bankruptcy," he said. "I am at the head of a state that for 15 years has been in chronic deficit. I am at the head of a state that has not once passed a balanced budget in 25 years. This can't go on."
The United States, according to these reports, is currently being battered by a credit crisis that is reverberating around the World and has this past week increased its official debt to $9 Trillion for the first time, and just 5 weeks after the US Congress authorized a raise of their debt to this astronomical level.
The fueling of the United States wars by the unlimited printing of US Dollars has, likewise, led to its collapse which, in turn, has led to the catastrophic rise in the price of oil threatening governments around the entire World as shortages grow from Bolivia to China.
As the price of oil has risen over 56% this year alone, and 365 percent in the past decade, the worst is yet to come, warn some of the World’s top economists, and who state:
The tourist industry is dying because the US is a very unpleasant place to visit, and live. The average American is a militant statist.
"To wage Total World War the United States is more prepared than any other Nation on Earth as it has turned its entire government, and people, into one of the most feared war machines in modern history, and not equaled since the German Nazi Empire of last century."
The irony is that it is the Russians who are warning about the corruption of government. Even the US pastors refuse to open their mouth about the vileness of their own government, presumably because they agree with the sin of paying thieves protection money. Here the Russians state the obvious:
President Wilson became the American President in 1913 and ‘outmaneuvered’ US banking and business interests to bring forth on the citizens of his country the currently ruling private banking system known as the Federal Reserve.
This could only have been accomplished, and as we have previously reported on, with the complicity of the Royal Powers of Great Britain in the sabotage bombing of the massive ship Titanic in 1912, and which had on board the elite of America’s most powerful banking and business leaders opposed to the Federal Reserve, to include, Dr. Washington Dodge, Benjamin Guggenheim, Martin Rothschild, John Thayer and Colonel John Jacob Astor, to just name a few of the over 30 powerful men who died in the sinking.
Using the vast untapped wealth of the United States, the Federal Reserve then began its assault upon the World by forcing the United States into World War I, financing the overthrow of the Russian Tsar to instill the brutal communists, engineering the collapse of the US economy in 1929 leading to the Great Depression, financing Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire prior to World War II, financing the Allied Powers and Soviet Russia during World War II, financing the establishment of Israel on the lands of Palestine after World War II, financing the United States wars in Korea, Vietnam, financing the overthrow of governments the World over from Iran in 1953 to Chile in 1973, and now the US wars Iraq and Afghanistan.
The failure of the Russians is not connecting the Cambridge Apostles who had more influence over these events than did the national rulers.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Hagee Claims That Jesus Wasn't The Messiah
Actually he said that some Jews did not accept his deity, and that he did not come to be "Messiah". The government allied with religious leadership accused him of insurrection but the huge crowd that greeted him when he entered Jerusalem terrified the government. It is too much to accuse Hagee of denying Jesus was Messiah. As a whole the Jews did not reject Messiah, but most of the elite did. It is more accurate to say that like most pastors, Hagee is pretty naive about scripture.
Against G-d, America will suffer...
Deepening Concerns About Banks...
More Credit Writedowns...
WACHOVIA Whacked...
England escapes tidal wave 'by inches'...
Blair expressed support for the destruction of Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria...
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Against G-d, America will suffer...
Blair expressed support for the destruction of Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria...
US attacked Syria with nukes...
Nukes stored in Iraq...
..Canadian dollar hits record high...
Madonna and Britney Spears to be first ones beheaded
"Slice & Dice" Condi triggers flood and fire
Civil War: Kucinich Calls for Impeachment of 'Subversive' Cheney...
War in congress: Kucinich on a quest... sees flying saucers... acts like one
The Hidden Motives of Israel’s Ruling Elites
The murder of Sheriff Gene Matthews by feds...
Yorie Von Kahl: Kahl and Sheriff burned...