Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Retreat to Tyranny

Sep 25, 2007 09:27

US churches are in full retreat to their own version of the Auschwitz lines. The Protestant Reformation. The politically correct history of that event is explained by the phrase, "salvation by grace alone," but has as much relation to the cause of the war as slavery did to the American Civil War, which is to say none.

The Christians and Jews are in full retreat politically, economically, and spiritually because they want peace with America's own Arab terrorists running every level of government in America.

This cowardly desire for peace with evil, uttered ad nauseum by pastors and rabbis, has stupefied Americans, emboldened America’s enemies; and made the left (including Muslims) contemptuous of Christians and Jews.

"Did England’s or France’s desire for peace transform Germans into doves? Germany was the home of humanism, of philosophy and science." Is the political Left more humanistic than the nation that produced Kant, Schiller, Heine, and Einstein?

Let's address America’s current political elites: President Bush, Hilary Clinton, Homeland Security Michael Chertoff--and of course America’s so-called elder statesman Senator Edward M. Kennedy. These Alice-in-Wonderland politicians would have us believe that giving away our freedom and property will pacify America’s distraught neighbors—like giving them a daily dose of Prozac.

I ask these peace addicts: “Why should you expect peace from Leftists who despise America as an outpost of Judeo/Christian civilization that threatens the autocratic power structure of fascist states?”

Why should you expect peace from bureaucrats who teach children to hate Christians and Jews and exalt environmentalist bombers? Is it not foolish of you and shameless to negotiate with government officials when 85% of these bureaucrats are committed to America’s destruction? What do you want to negotiate—the mode and date of your destruction?”

I ask you: “Why should you expect peace from Fatah-like bureaucrats like Ben Bernanke who deceive and despoil their own people? What peace will you obtain from an elected official whose attitude toward citizens is based on the primacy of fraud and force typical of 22 Arab-Islamic tyrannies?”

Here let us pause to address “right-minded” American politicians and intellectuals who, though skeptical about the NAU policy, also intone the mantra of “peace.” Suppose you declared: “I do not desire peace with government elites who luxuriate in splendor while their people are reduced to abject poverty.” Are you manly enough to proclaim such an attitude? Then let me suggest some other declarations one might make in a world threatened by Imperialism.

Suppose you said, “I do not want peace with tyrannies, regimes ruled by evil men. I do not want to dignify them and thereby abet their wicked designs.”

“I do not seek peace with federal or state despots lest I confuse, disarm, and foster cynicism among my own countrymen. Better to arouse fear in these despots, instead of allowing them to lull unwary Americans with professions of peace.”

“Do you think such statements will make these despots more bellicose? What have your “politically correct” professions of peace accomplished? Has the church’s peace treaty with government made that dictatorship less militant? Then why is America, a regime threatened by no one, engaged in a vast militarized law enforcement build-up? Why do America’s statist media continue to spew anti-Christian and anti-Israel venom? Why did America facilitate the shipment of arms to Arab terrorists in Gaza?”

Exodus 15:3 states that “God is the Master of war.” Hence must also be the Master of peace. Since war and peace are in the hands of God, whether America will have freedom or tyranny depends on how its ruling elites relate to God. So long as they dismiss God from the domain of statecraft, or so long as America’s government scorns the Torah, the people of America will not have peace from government.

But the God of Israel is not a man that goes to sleep, indifferent to our destiny. This infinitely wise God has given the people of America the best of enemies--bureaucrats who will not and cannot be pacified by giving them parts of the land God gave to the American people!

God has therefore given His people an enemy that unwittingly compels American Christians and Jews to face the ultimate reason why freedom eludes the so-called Christian State of America!

Notice that America’s religious elites are incapable of competing with bureaucrats at the negotiating table. One Church and synagogue after another has surrendered or compromised America’s retention of the property and freedoms the patriots regained in the American Revolutionary War of 1775–1783. This has been the case whether the government was led by Democrats, the Republicans, or Independent.

How is one to explain this territorial and spiritual retreat given Judeo/Christianity's superior military power, to say nothing of American’s legal entitlement to the land it covenanted after the American Revolutionary War?

I contend, first, that freedom eludes America because it is a secular state which, by posing as a democracy, induces its ruling elites to make evil concessions to preserve their official power in the United States. Second, I contend that the ceaseless leftists' attacks and legislative-wars waged by America’s enemies serve the world-historical function of making this secular state with its pseudo-democratic institutions non-viable!

America has become a pathological state devoid of an authentic and vibrant national identity.

Fast forward: Conservative's policy of “unilateral disengagement” from the constitution is rejected by an overwhelming majority of the public in elections. Nevertheless, Republican leader George Bush, contrary to his long-standing opposition to big government, adopted The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, signed on May 9, 2007 which declares that in the event of a “catastrophic event”, George W. Bush can become what is best described as "a dictator" without any public debate. This is not only treachery: it’s madness, the kind Isaiah attributes to anyone who abandon God.

As predicted, surrendering our freedom and property has not given Americans peace with the left. Texas has become Hamastan, from which thousands of weapons can be smuggled. Thanks to Mexico’s benign neglect or complicity, arms are being smuggled into Texas and Arizona. Every city in America may soon become another Sderot. Yes, this is suicidal madness.

So, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that this secular and pseudo-democratic State of America is incapable of securing the freedom and property of its citizens. “Regime change” is absolutely essential. But regime change must pave the way for a God-oriented system of governance—an absolutely a necessary precondition of achieving peace. Is anyone with noble ambitions listening?

Ref. Professor Paul Eidelberg, to the tune of "Why Peace Eludes Israel"