Friday, August 1, 2008

Rebuilding the Temple will not Start World War

Aug 01, 2008 07:37

The justification for the apostasy of both Christians and Jews, who oppose the rebuilding of the temple of the god of Israel in Jerusalem, has been that it will incite a world war. An easy rebuke would be: if the Holy One chose war as a result of a faithful act by his holy ones, what is that to you? But, the prophets say more than that.

The house will be rebuilt although the so-called governments will cause trouble to prevent the event. They will deprive Israel of water, steal the land, classify Israel as a terrorist state, and as we see in the US now, make it difficult for holy people to make pilgrimage or to send their offerings to Israel once the temple is built.

The usual irony is Russia that wants to build a train route from the US through Russia, and presumably on to Jerusalem, where they have already eliminated passport requirements! The hard core secular tyranny is the US which sponsors government tyranny globally and send missionaries to every nation to make them 'effective governments.' Not for something the ex-Nazarites called, 'the gospel.'

The prophets indicate that the house of god will be rebuilt regardless of Rice, Bush, or The Pastors in general. There will not be global war, but if there were, and if the Shekinah were present, the enemy would be annihilated. The fact is, the Great War that the fake Christians dread is started by Messiah himself. Instead of their bad habit of reading anything they dislike as a metaphor, just read it. The prophet says the army of Gog, a creature alive during the time of Genesis is moving north, away from Jerusalem, when Moshiach attacks him to draw him to Jerusalem. Thats an old military tactic: attack the rear to turn the enemy away from their intended objective.

The next temple is special to god because it will not be built by mighty kings but by little people. So, when the enemy raids the temple during the time of Jacob's distress, "the tribulation," Moshiach wants back the holy vessels taken. If the Christians were effective at missionizing by using the silly Left Behind stories, perhaps it would be tolerable. But they have failed at saving their own nations from their predatory governments as a result of the idiotic idea that all government is ordained to be obeyed, therefore holy, therefore tyranny is holy. We call The Pastors and rabbis Stupid'im, because they are Hellenist and Judenrat.

The Great War is not started by Russia. A Russian is not Gog and Russia is not Magog (from Gog). The final war is not fought by men over ownership of Jerusalem, but when the priests will sin again by choosing someone to be king who is not permitted. Their choice is not Moshiach. That will open the doors of the underworld and release the most terrifying creatures imaginable onto the surface of the earth. They will fight wars against Moshiach bin David.

The house of god should be rebuilt immediately, the governments that hinder the pilgrims should be dismantled, and the Left be treated as an invading occupational army.