Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Israeli Soldier Suicided at Sarkozy Ceremony

Jun 24, 2008 10:28

The battle hardened Israelis are not suicidal except when speaking to Condi Rice, so when we read the details of the incident at Ben Gurion and watch the video, we conclude, Barry Chammish style, that the soldier was suicided. Even a newspaper reporter cannot confuse this: "All protocol was dropped as the man's body fell from a high vantage point and a shot rang out."

The truth will rely on two women witnesses, who likewise are battle hardened, because "Two women soldiers who witnessed the incident fainted," and that is not typical of women who raise their children under the deafening sound of Kassams. Adjacent troops were puzzled by the confusion and the only alarm expressed was by the political traitors.

The incident occurred at the farewell of President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and his wife, Carla Bruni. Sarkozy had concluded telling Israel that they must give up their houses for the "piss process" and that the glory of France was behind them. No one mentioned thwarted assassination attempt, but politically active settlers are commonly killed by the government.
