Monday, December 3, 2007

The Pastors Uniting with Allah

Dec 03, 2007 08:25

The US pastors are moving toward reconciliation with Allah rather than with the Rabbi who they once believed was their Messiah.

The latest apostasy is announced by The Christian Post, November 23, 2007 when the globalist issued a fatwa--not against federal tyranny--but one by the Skull and Bones mob to form a one world religion as well.

The usual heretics were, "Jim Wallis, president of Sojourners; Rick Warren, founder and senior pastor of Saddleback Church; John Stott, rector emeritus of All Souls Church in London; and Leith Anderson, president of the National Association of Evangelicals." Left out were George Bush and Condi Rice.

Since this the season for Chanukah, a celebration of rebellion against heretics and tyranny, we should remind the formerly Christian churches that Jesus was a Rabbi that the High Priest admitted that he was a kosher Jew. Rabbis can differ in opinion but not reject G-d or the things holy to G-d.

During Hanukkah, the Feast of Dedication, Jesus was at his favorite place the Temple, when the spirit of Rick Warren approached him. "Then came the Feast of Dedication at Jerusalem. It was winter, and Jesus was in the temple area walking in Solomon's Colonnade. The Jews gathered around him, saying, "How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly." [Jn 10:22]

Answering is as useless as telling the Pastors that their Passover Lamb enjoyed the Passover when "He said to them, "I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer." [Luke 22:15]

Jesus made an astonishing claim that The Pastors will also reject. "Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. "It is written," he said to them, "'My house will be called a house of prayer." [Mat 21:12]

His house. The Temple in Jerusalem is the house of Messiah. The very same house that The Pastors say, "We don't need it; we been cut free; we ain't under the Law." Thus the Pastors have become another bunch of Hamanites.

Even the idiotic "teaching" of the Pastors ignores the popularity of the Rabbi in Jerusalem with everyone except the Rick Warren types--and the George Bush and Condi types. Crowds greeted him entering Jerusalem, fulfilling Malachi's words that "suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple."

He could ask the Pastors some of the same questions: "Which is greater: the gold, or the temple that makes the gold sacred?" [Mat 23:17] By that question you might conclude that there is something special about the Temple. But, no, the Pastors are scared of it and under orders to report advocates of the temple to Homeland Security.

When another Rabbi told them "let us keep the Festival," [1 Co 5:8] the Pastors flatly rejected it. Most of anti-Christ, Christianity can be traced back to the Vatican which still retains a dominant influence over the entire church world.

There will be another Purim, a second celebration of salvation from the Hamanites when the Pastors are rejected and even punished. Consider their possible fate in view of the festival that Jesus was there to celebrate, Hanukkah. It is a celebration of victory over apostasy:

"The (Greek) king's [Antiochus IV] men who were enforcing the apostasy came to the city of Modein... In the sight of all a Jewish man came forward to offer a sacrifice on the (pagan) altar of Modein in accordance with the king's edict.

Mattathias saw this and was filled with zeal. Inside he was in turmoil; and his righteous indignation was aroused. Dashing forward, he slew the man on the altar. Then he also killed the (Greek) king's man who was forcing them to sacrifice; and he tore down the altar..."

Rabbi Jesus was therefore, a terrorist sympathizer, vandal, law breaker, and of course a murderer. It would appear that the Pastors ought to be afraid of such a man if in fact they believe that he is alive.,_Neighbors_Together.htm