Sunday, August 31, 2008
FSB: Russian ‘Sleeper’ Agents Begin ‘Day X’ Attacks In US
A number of conflicting, and disturbing, reports are circulating in the Kremlin today that are stating that ‘someone’ appears to have ‘activated’ Russia’s ‘deep core sleeper agents’ in America, and who are members of Russia’s most powerful Department 12 of Directorate S Foreign Intelligence Service known as Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki (SVR), to begin attacks on the United States Homeland.
The long feared existence, and use, of Russian sleeper agents in Western Nations was confirmed by former KGB spymaster, Alexander Kouzminov who had headed the ultra-secret unit, Department 12 of Directorate S. prior to his defection to the West and confirmed these Nations worst fears by detailing the former Soviet Unions placement of their agents in these countries along with biological and nuclear weapons to be used in time of war.
Most chilling of former Director Kouzminov’s revelations to the West of his directorates work was his stating the ominous warnings of ‘Day X’:
The ‘potential strike targets’ were:
The economy of a potential enemy.
The list of potential targets could be extended.
Russian Intelligence Analysts reporting to Prime Minster Putin are now stating that a ‘Day X’ attack has, indeed, occurred in the United States with the massive explosion at the Bayer Crop Science Bio Weapons Plant located in the US State of West Virginia, which was listed as a ‘high priority’ target by Department 12 of Directorate S as not only was it owned (since 1925) by the giant Nazi German chemical and weapons firm IG Farben (IG (Interessengemeinschaft) stands for "Association of Common Interests), but was also controlled by Bush Families war profiteering company Carlyle Group.
Also interesting to note about this Bayer Bio Weapons facility in the US targeted by Russia is that it is the maker of the dreaded pesticide Larvin, which we had reported on in our March 26th report titled “Fears Grow Over ‘Catastrophic’ US Biosphere Collapse”, and which many Russian scientists state is responsible for the catastrophic loss of bees and other plant pollinators in the United States attempt to cripple our World’s food supply in order to foist upon humanity their genetically modified foods designed to cause mass deaths and pacify humans through the direct changing of our DNA.
These Russian FSB reports further state that this Bayer Bio Weapons plant was utilized by US War Leaders for the mass production of diacetylmorphine (heroin) from their vast poppy controlled fields in Afghanistan, and which the Taliban had managed to eradicate prompting the US invasion of their country, to further fill their coffers in their never-ending quest for total World domination, and which Bayer had invented in 1898.
The American people continue their failure to understand that as they become the largest user of the illegal drugs heroin and cocaine in the World, it is their own military forces that totally control the production and distribution of these horrific drugs in their protected territories of Afghanistan and Colombia for the financial benefit of their elite rulers, including the Bush and Clinton families, and which have long used the CIA (known as the Real Drug Lords) to control their Nations illegal drug trade.
Most importantly, however, of these events are what they are leading to, and as best stated by Dr Nikolai Sokov, senior research associate at
Friday, August 29, 2008
Hurricane-force winds, heavy rain hit Phoenix area...
Michael Moore: GOP Hurricane 'Proof There Is a God in Heaven'...
No shelter for those that stay in New Orleans...
Oil, Gas Companies Shut Production and Pipelines...
NOW: Tropical Storm HANNA...
Putin suggests U.S. role in Georgia conflict; benefit one of the presidential candidates...
Germany To Help PA Build 55 New Police Stations
Tourists, residents flee as Gustav swamps Jamaica...
Louisiana May Evacuate Parts of Southern Coast...
'Extreme Danger'...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
WIRE: Obama Speech Site Resembles 'Ancient Greek Temple'...
Republican's storm visitation ...
No room left for battle ships at Georgia ...
FLARE: West tells Russia to keep out of Ukraine...
US, Russia anchor military ships in Georgian ports...
Dems Crack Down: ABC Reporter Arrested for Shooting Video on Public Sidewalk...
Steep US house crash follows Rice's Jerusalem closing news ...
FDIC: 117 troubled banks...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Rice Uses Leftist Data To Blame Israel
Leftists Complains about Building Boom in Yesha
Rice wants end to housing boom ...
UPDATE: FAA says communication breakdown delaying flights... every major airport
Hurricane Gustav aims for Gulf oil facilities...
Major hurricane tracks to New Orleans on eve of Republican Convention?
Friday, August 22, 2008
In Dobsonville, Police and Protesters Prepare...
August frost hits Minnesota and Wisconsin...
Tyrants converge on Denver ...
Feds close bank in Kansas; ninth collapse this year...
U.S. Navy Arrives in Georgia
Rice's Visit is 17th Trip in Two Years
Thursday, August 21, 2008
DEFIANCE: Russia blocks Georgia's main port city...
Tyranny: Wisconsin woman, cuffed, arrested for overdue library books...
Rice returns to Jerusalem next Monday (25th) ...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
FSB: Putin Confronted Bush in Beijing, Ending Iran Attack Plan
Sister Nikolaevna’s latest report from Vladikavkaz [see her previous report] has put into greater context the strategies being employed by Colonel-General Anatoly Nogovitsyn’s battle plan for countering the Western invasion of the Russian protected enclave of South Ossetia.
According to these reports, the August 8th unprovoked attack by US and Israeli led Georgian Special Forces Troops upon South Ossetia, and which cost the lives of over 2,000 innocent civilians, was deliberately timed to coincide with Prime Minister Putin’s absence from Moscow as he was attending the opening ceremony for the 2008 Beijing Olympic games and it was believed he would not be able to rapidly respond to the full measure of the American President’s plan for continued Global conquest.
The American President and his fellow War Leaders, however, grossly underestimated Putin, who upon learning of the
Putin’s greatest anger towards Bush, these reports continue, was his foreknowledge that the invasion of South Ossetia by Western led forces was a subterfuge maneuver designed in an attempt to cover the Americans true objective, a limited nuclear strike upon Iran’s nuclear facilities, and of which the US War Leader had already given the order to strike.
Putin’s rapid response to these machinations, however, led to his swiftly contacting the top leadership of the United States Military Command whereupon they swiftly ‘crushed’ their own President’s war plans and removed from the American Nuclear Weapons Chain of Command the US Naval Officer who conspired with Bush to plunge our World into Total War.
To this prompt dismissal of this US Naval Officer we can read as reported by the Associated Press News Service:
American Military Commanders went even further to placate Putin by ‘immediately’ informing Israel that the US would not assist them in their plans to attack Iran, and as we can read as reported by China’s Xinhua News Service:
It is also important to note that Russian FSB forces captured one of
As is always the case in these more frequently erupting crises, the American people themselves are continually denied the true knowledge of the events that are marching them towards Total War and the full horrors it will bring upon them.
To which faction of the United States War Leadership will ultimately prevail it is not to our knowing, except to note that American people themselves have lost the ability to see the true motives of the monsters who are leading them towards destruction.
FSB: ‘Nuclear Noose’ Ordered Put Around Rice
New reports circulating in the Kremlin today are stating that Prime Minister Putin and President Medvedev have jointly ordered Russia’s Strategic Missile Troops (RVSN) to begin the encirclement of the United States with a ‘Nuclear Noose’ in preparation for ‘all out’ war with American Military Forces.
Sparking the fears of Russian leaders, these reports state, were conversations held this past week between Putin and former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (Kissinger McLarty Associates) wherein Mr. Kissinger stated that the likelihood of Senator John McCain ascending to the presidency of the United States was ‘all but assured’.
Russian policy analysts have long considered a McCain led US government as a continuation of Bush’s foreign policy for an American led implementation of a ‘New World Order’ that would see the abolishment of Nation States and the establishment of World Trading Blocks, and which Putin has vowed to prevent occurring.
Making an American Government being led by McCain even more intolerable for Russia has been McCain’s strident calls for Western military action against the Russian people and its leaders, but which can only be fully understood by knowing that his, McCain’s, top foreign policy advisor, Randy Scheunemann, is a longtime lobbyist for Georgia whose lobbing firm has been paid over $1 million by the Georgian government to further their influence in the US.
Further enraging Russian leaders was the announcement this past week that the US and Canada are jointly cooperating in an attempt to wrest vital Arctic resources away from Russia in an attempt to control the last source of new oil reserves remaining on our energy starved planet.
Russian moves to counter the growing threat of war between themselves and the United States over these issues have included Putin’s announcement in July to increase Russia’s nuclear aircraft carrier and submarine fleets and to begin working with other Nations to form a strategic alliance against the Americans.
Western reports are further stating that Russian Military Forces have moved into Georgia SS-21 missile launchers and that Russia plans the deployment of Iskandar SS-26 surface missiles in Syria and the Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad.
To the full machinations of the US War Leaders to provoke Total War with Russia it remains lost upon the American people, and who have not even now begin to understand how the United States ‘sacrificed’ its ally Georgia in its bloodstained ‘final objective’ to force Poland into accepting their so called missile shield targeted against the Russian Homeland.
Russia's deputy chief of staff of the armed forces General Anatoly Nogovitsyn was quick to respond to Poland’s acceptance of US missiles by stating, “Poland, by deploying (the system) is exposing itself to a strike; 100 per cent.”
To the overall outcome of these events it is not in our knowing, except as they pertain to the plans of the War Leaders of the United States, and as best summarized by the American Anti-War activist Justin Raimondo who has written:
How sad it is that the American people have chosen for themselves such ruthless leaders, how very sad.
Quartet: Skidded off runway...
Quartet: Breaks in two...
Quartet: Organized chaos...
Quartet: Norway Says Russia will Cut Ties with NATO
Quartet: Kremlin Furious, Threatens to Nuke Poland
Assad in Moscow 'to Strengthen Military Ties'
U.S. Refused Israeli 767 Deal that Could Enable Iran At
E.U. Bails Out PA with Another $59 Million
Ex-IMF chief says a large US bank to go under...
Direct Flights Sought from Tel Aviv to Philadelphia
Condi confuses Putin for Olmert, steps into war ...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Democratic Police State Convention prepared for their worst nightmare ...
AUDIO: Massive Denver prison, the fake market surge ...
NSA: Kill bloggers! ...
Russia refuses to play 'The Game' ...
AUDIO: Tarpley: Washington & The Russian-Georgian War
Monday, August 18, 2008
America: From War and Servitude to Freedom
That many of America’s own citizens have long been participating in this war against the freedom has been ignored by various state governments, Left and Right—if I may use these obsolete terms. Cops freely traverse the roads assaulting American travelers; they brazenly fly the flag of the US; and the federal government blinks.
Texas border towns have been depopulated, Mexican weapons flow into our version of Gaza and are smuggled thence to Texas and Arizona. Soon every city in America may become another Sderot, and the federales blinks.
This cockamamie government is just a collection of political liars and crooks—Republican turncoats and other hacks paid by the overtaxed citizens of America. Under this corrupt and craven government, the IS military behaves more like the police on horses than as a war machine. It’s primary mission, it seems, is to train for the suppression of Americans rather than destroy America’s enemies.
Meanwhile, the so-called opposition parties twiddle their thumbs, more cretins paid for political correctness or impotence. That’s democracy, Banana Republic style, where all parties jockey for place, perks, and power, lusting for the control of various ministries—thiefdoms by which, under color of law, they rob Americans of their money. David Ben-Gurion said this many years ago, when the Left was the Left, and the Right was the Right. Today the Left is devoid of any ideology—just a bunch of paltry power-seekers. As for the Right, it’s an embarrassment: the less said about it the better.
Such is the shoddiness and fragmentation of politics in America that one begins to wonder whether America is a state. Perhaps the “United States of America” is an illusion? Perhaps the Declaration of independence from Britain of 1776 is a travesty?
What, indeed, is a “state”? My dictionary tells me that a state is “a politically independent entity representing a people and occupying a definite territory.” This definition of a state contains three elements. (1) A state must be a politically independent entity; (2) this entity must represent a people; and (3) this people must occupy a definite territory. Let’s apply this definition to America.
(1) Far from being a politically independent entity, America—judging from the behavior of its ruling elites—seems tied by an umbilical cord to international organizations. Politicians slavishly imitate the lifestyle and beliefs of the European monarchies. They lie to us about peace while they lick the boots of Arab despots. Yesterday it was Ibn Saud or Yasser Arafat, today it’s Mahmoud Abbas. And notice how pathetically concerned Americans are about “world opinion.” Do you really believe that this reputed state is a “politically independent entity”?
(2) As for its representing the people—that too is a lie, to endow the government with legitimacy and its ruling elites with respectability, especially in the United States, where Zionist organizations are so fond of purveying and profiting from the Myth of American Democracy. How can this so-called state represent the people when the so-called people are divided into a dozen and more factions?
Besides, what is a “people”? In defining a people, the Torah makes a distinction between an Ahm and a Goy. Whereas an Ahm signifies a collectivity united by a religious heritage, Goy signifies a collectivity united only on the basis of a common territory or homeland.
Let us therefore define a people as a monocultural entity united not only by language, but by shared beliefs and values rooted in a common and immemorial past. Have you bumped into such a people lately in the Land of America?
Okay, let’s confine things to Judeo-Christians and the Left. Inasmuch as thee two inhabiting this land have antagonistic beliefs and values, the State represents not an Ahm but a Goy. This reminds me of a remarks attributed to Senator Barack Obama, that America is not a Christian nation but a nation of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and what have you—which makes America a Goyishe state.
Any way, those who control the political and judicial institutions of the Goyishe State of America represent only themselves or their party factions. Consider the Congress: Many congressmen hop from one position to another and thus betray those who originally voted for their parties. Since they are not individually elected by, or accountable to, the voters in constituency elections, these congressmen – including bureaucrats – can ignore the voters with impunity anywhere on earth.
Thus, when Meretz MK Yossi Beilin was a member of the Labor Party, he brazenly said at a meeting of Labor’s Central Committee: “When have we ever listened to the people?” Did Ariel Sharon listen to the people when he nullified the January 2003 election by adopting Labor’s policy of “unilateral disengagement”? Just think: Sharon ended up as a disciple of Yossi Beilin!
Bush does not regard himself as a member of the American people; he’s too enlightened for such tribalism. Bush reminds me of the Illuminati ensconced in America’s Supreme Court, whose former chief justice, brazenly admitted that the court represents A living constitution, of an enlightened population. These “enlightened” ones are ultra-secularists, a small minority of the population—the geniuses responsible for the Oslo disaster and public schools. These geniuses are indeed represented by the priests of America’s Supreme Court.
This priesthood substitutes its own neo-pagan predilections for the beliefs and values of the Jewish sages of old, beliefs and values still cherished by a number of Americans far surpassing in number what Israeli Judge Barak calls the “Enlightened population.” But the Courts regards this population as multicultural. For the ruling elites, America has no distinctive American or Judeo-Christian character; it is merely a collection of discordant ethnic and religious groups. It’s not an Ahm but a Goy! A political hotel--whoever occupies, rules.
(3) Finally, contrary to the above definition of a state, which requires the people to occupy “a definite territory,” America’s borders are not at all definite. The millions of Americans residing in the south west may soon be under the control of the Mexican terrorist Army. Virtually all parties in the Congress support the castrating policy of “territory for peace.” It logically follows that these parties will surrender territory whenever Mexican gangs threaten war!
The conclusion is inescapable: What is called the “United States of America” does not contain any of the elements of a genuine state. The State of America is a fiction—a fiction exploited by its political elites, especially those connected to tycoons hither and yon.
But don’t be alarmed or alienated by my cynicism. Since America is for the taking, it presents a marvelous opportunity to people with intellectual venture capital and ambition! A full-scale, unambiguous war is going to break out as State and Federales acquire more and deadlier weapons. Hence, let me address some stouthearted Americans: Prepare a shadow government for that revolutionary moment. You can replace America’s decadent leadership and its equally decrepit opposition parties. You can liberate America from the illusion of making peace with Leftist thugs. You can rejuvenate the army and destroy America’s enemies, who have so long afflicted the American people. Employ overwhelming and even disproportionate force so that these disciples of Marx, Gia, and Muhammad will never again raise their scornful heads.
You can establish a new form of government. Terminate America’s multiparty thiefdom. Empower the people, so that their sacred beliefs and values may again provide the foundation for pubic law and foreign policy.
With the enemy vanquished, and the government cleansed of its political cesspool, no longer will Americans be enthralled by "The United States". At last, America, the God-fearing nation, will come into its own—free!
To the young and bold of heart: Prepare for this revolution NOW and say TO HELL WITH THE POLITICS THAT HAS STUPEFIED AND CORRUPTED OUR COUNTRY!
To the tune of "Israel: From War and Servitude to Freedom," by Prof. Paul Eidelberg
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Russian Troops Report US And Israeli Soldiers Killed In Georgian War
We have received our first report from Sister Nikolaevna who had traveled from Moscow to Vladikavkaz to assist in the aiding of the refuge children that have been pouring into Russia from South Ossetia after the brutal Georgian destruction of their homeland, and which details that ‘many’ foreign fighters have been killed after Russian Military units began their liberation of both South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
According to staff officers accompanying Colonel-General Anatoly Nogovitsyn returning from the battlefront, at least 7 foreign fighters identified as American and Israel soldiers have been found among the rubble of the now freed, but destroyed, capital city of South Ossetia, Tskhinvali.
The 3 dead American soldiers, these reports state, were identified by their uniform patches as belonging to the United States 173 Airborne Brigade assigned to the US’ Southern European Command, and who just a few weeks ago were airlifted to Georgia for what was described as a ‘war game’ exercise with Georgian Military Forces preparing for their unprovoked attack upon the Russian peoples of South Ossetia.
The 4 dead Israeli soldiers, these reports continue, are believed to part of the Israeli governments sponsored mercenary forces who have previously wreaked havoc in the
Unfortunately, however, the peoples of the Western World, especially the United States, are not being told the truth about this war, and Georgia’s unprovoked attack upon South Ossetia and, instead, are being told by their propaganda media organs that Russia is the aggressor in this conflict, though Russian forces have done nothing more than what any sovereign Nation would do when invaded by a foreign military who began mass killings of civilians.
Russian Leaders Putin and Medvedev are, also, reported to be enraged by the
To the most unfortunate outcome of this new war for the American people is how, once again, they have been lied to by their War Leaders to support a brutal dictatorship, and as best pointed out by the AntiWar News Service:
As today brings to our senses another senseless slaughter of innocent civilians, and young soldiers doing the bidding of their Nations masters, one can only wonder when the American people themselves will awaken to full horror of the atrocities being perpetrated in their name by those seeking to do nothing more than enrich themselves upon the blood of innocents.
Monday, August 11, 2008
US built Georgian army being decimated ...
Weapons captured in US house to train Georgian forces ...
Dead Blackwater troops found in Georgia ...
Panic in Georgia caused by Rice's missile treaty ...
Georgia 'overrun' by Russian troops; full-scale ground invasion begins...
US military surprised by speed, timing...
OOPS!: Bush May Need Additional Cash to Replenish broken 'Insurance Fund'...
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Troops raid Georgian town; scores dead...
New air attacks at military bases...
'Dangerous escalation'...
Rice to get double-dose of her own perfidy ...
Fed up with anti-Christ Rice in Kosovo ...
Fed up with anti-Jew Rice's missiles ...
Russians carry through on threat to Rice ...
Rice whines, 'get out' ...
US actually surprised: Russians not like Rice ...
1500 dead because of Rice ...
2 Russian planes down by US trained 'police' ...
Role of US Special Forces in Georgia ...
US defeat certain, nearing bankruptcy says GOP ...
News from Serbia
Serbian Church
Serbian Network
The deliberate destruction of Serbian churches by USAF ...
AUDIO: US bombed tarmac but commander refused to attack Russian troops in Pristina ...
US protected Bin Laden mosque while permitting Muslims to burn churches ...
Gallery of churches destroyed by NATO ...
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Mexican Palestinians raid border, capture guards ...
Blair's Sister-in-Law in Gaza Boat Protest
Britain Accuses Hevron Jews of Attacking Its Diplomats
Britain Bans Yesha Residents from Embassy Functions
FLDS: State plans to kidnap 8 children ...
Israel's Hilary Clinton regarded as a traitor and a failure ...
Illinois Gov. plans highway robbers to fund troops to occupy Obamaville ...
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Messiah Visits Chicago and gets Sued in Nebraska
We always admire our enemies more than the 'Conservative Christian Right' which is neither, because they will speak the truth rather than do what The pastors and rabbis do, which is to redefine what they dislike in Torah. Or, in the case of the churches, their newest, newest heresy is that the Old Testament is obsolete.
Omaha State Sen. Ernie Chambers is suing god for crimes against humanity. The fake Churches and synagogues will laugh because he is doing it as a joke. But, specifically he is suing to obtain "a permanent injunction ordering [God] to cease certain harmful activities and the making of terroristic threats." He "requested that the court acknowledge the presence of God in the courtroom so he wouldn't be required to 'serve notice" of the trial.'"
The charges are that god is creating "fearsome floods, egregious earthquakes, horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes, pestilential plagues, ferocious famines, devastating droughts, genocidal wars, birth defects and the like," in addition to "calamitous catastrophes resulting in the wide-spread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth’s inhabitants including innocent babes, infants, children, the aged and infirm without mercy or distinction." All of course which we agree with.
The suit is fake but the prophets say that a day will come when god will not only answer a summons, but request one. Of course, it will not be US courts which are useless, but he did say that he would answer the summons.
The validity of the suit is that the god of Israel is legally a terrorist, and Moschiach ben David is a well known cop killer, terrorist who destroys eco systems, kills races of indigenous peoples groups that he dislikes, creates massive destructions with storms, calamities, and other natural events under his control, and regularly torments nations that ignore him. It is he who destroyed the world ecology once, he who committed genocide of the entire world, he who sent Jews to settle 'his land' in Israel, and he who promised the churches that he had never repented, and would kill their children also if they did not repent. What do they do?
They pay the US tyrant money to negotiate the sale of Jerusalem to 'the ancient Balestinian peoples!' The stupid'im, the pastors, regard the Palestinians as an ancient peoples. Like 100 years old.
So when we see Moshiach making his daily rounds, at least we take comfort in knowing that the stupid'im will not prevail at sending us to the camps again. For breaking 'the law' of course, which is particularly ridiculous from a sect of men who repeatedly say, 'we ain't under no law.'
Monday, August 4, 2008 was one such day when Moschiach was irritable with Obamaville. He showed up and wrought panic over Chicago and disrupted one of their coliseum nights. "The skies were dark and treacherous for much of the game between the Cubs and the Houston Astros." Finally "the area and the air raid siren that stands sentinel outside Wrigley Field began howling, along with all the other sirens in the city. A voice over the public address system ordered everyone to move into the stadium concourse." Three tornados surrounded Obamaville such that "fans were evacuated from the stands at Wrigley Field... The severe weather left a path of damage and an atmosphere of panic." Even the airport was in a panic when "Passengers at O'Hare International Airport were evacuated."
One witness, Mary Eggers, said, "I've been coming out here for 30 years. I've never seen anything like it." "At least they told us to get out; they warned us and told us to get going." This was a terroristic act by the ancient criminal, Moschiach. "Hundreds of fans jammed the lower concourse, standing in water almost to their ankles. Many people were frightened." Frightened but not repentant.
The attack was similar to the one in Gay California when he started almost 2000 lightning fires in a single day. "The lightning between the buildings was looking ominous," witness Michaela Nelson said. Almost 500,000 Obamites were in the dark that day, just as they are in reality. Over 1400 tress were uprooted; a public school got a taste of the destruction prepared for them in St. Charles; Flotsam filled their roads on I-90/I-94 between 83rd and 87th Streets on the South Side as befitting the sewage that call themselves churches and synagogues in Chicago.
Obamaville got a taste of what Moshiach did in Egypt when "trees and streetlights were knocked down and a panic ensued in many neighborhoods." Panic is what Obamaites should expect from this time forward, whether Christian or Jew.
He remained all night, and by 6:00 AM Tuesday, was still menacing.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Connecticut Deserves to be Treated as a Police State
Now that Connecticut has outed itself as a genuine Nazi styled police state.
It was one of Connecticut's DC legislators who slipped a little sin into law that requires all credit card purchases to be reported, which is required in order to do any form of estimate of intent, and now they are demonstrating how they intend to use it.
On the basis of predicted response through the feedback of purchases and of course internet posts, they will make the Great Tyranny of Connecticut safe for every righteous 'Running Man,' which is to say, they will never face the prospect of being rounded up and shot as they nearly did after passing their state's income tax.
They Nazis used their gambling operation to justify stealing the firearms of anyone they have an uncomfortable feeling about, and it can only work when there are too few 'gun owners' willing to make their fear justified. It has become a joke that the Nazis like Ron Pinciaro, always conjure images of "It may very well have saved lives." Like the little child who wanders into the middle of a highway may be "mowed down" by somebody "blowing the doors off" at the "unreasonable and excessive" speed of 80mph!
What makes the Nazis happy is Yaser Arafat's "piss process" whereby they receive legitimacy by being part of debate on subjects that should not be argued, Thus, Ralph Sherman and Joe Graborz do freedom no favor by their actions. Rather, the states have gone so far that there is a presumption (natural law) that they are acting in good faith, within reason, and legitimately. Rather than turning Hartford into Ramallah, the patriots should seek to dissolve the state government whether by legislative intransigence or giving the legislators the fear they deserved in 1991.