Thursday, August 30, 2007
Der Pastors Starting a Revolt Again?
Pastor Joel Hunter of Northland Church in Longwood, Florida has incited perhaps the first, and more pleasant, rebellions against "the Pastors" and their intention to evict god from the hills of Judea by giving the land to the Arabs.
Only 30 protestors showed up at the church on Sunday, August 26 2007, mainly from John Hellein's church just two miles away, with "signs imprinted with Biblical verses, including one from the Book of Joel against 'scattering My people and dividing My land,' the demonstrators were responding to an open letter to President Bush favoring a Palestinian state."
Today there are only protests with signs but "the Pastors" are earning the punishment they will receive should their buddies in Washington fail to stop a reformation.
Monday, August 27, 2007
The Name of Allah
In Hebrew Allah's name is also a prophecy about his future. It can be translated as "burnt offering." But, Allah is the least of the ones that the Political Pariah, the Messiah will kill, and Allah actually has to be enticed to his death.
Allah dies at a time when the gods and their sons are being slaughtered by the Messiah but not like at the Red Sea. The time frame is Isaiah 10-14, and 30, when Messiah frees his family from the revived Assyria. Paraphrasing to reduce time he said:
"Woe to Ashur the Assyrian, Messiah will come out of his place in the south and He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked. He will stand as a banner for the peoples and the nations will rally to him. With them he will gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth.
The outraged gods muster. There is an uproar among the kingdoms, like nations massing together for battle against Messiah. The enemy comes even from the ends of the heavens. And likewise, Messiah is mustering his own army for war.
The war is so violent that the heavens tremble; and the earth will shake from its place. Messiah kills Ashur, the Assyrian army commander over the mountains of Israel personally. The god Ashur will be fought by a god, the Messiah, who is seen coming down with raging anger. His voice alone wounds Ashur but he swoops around him like a bird, striking with each pass; he fights him to the music of tambourines and harps!
He fights them in battle with the blows of his arm until Ashur dies and falls into a pit in Topheth that has long been prepared by faithful men, made ready for the king of Babylon.
After the battle he issues the order to prepare a place to slaughter the sons of Ashur and not let them cover the earth with their cities.
The dead are so numerous hat people will no longer call it Topheth or the Valley of Ben Hinnom, but the Valley of slaughter, for they will bury the dead in Topheth until there is no more room."
With that abbreviated prophecy of the battle you might conclude that Jews and Christians would have more respect for their god, but they have reduced him to the Great Harmless Love. The Christians go so far as to say that Messiah does not regard the holy places and things as meaningful, just as they themselves do not.
Hal Lindsey said the name Allah is a title and that is correct. There are many gods as a Christian sage once said, "For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many "gods" and many "lords")," acknowledges a more complex world view than the useless American pastors and rabbis can fathom.
1 Corinthians 8:4-6
Child Registration Begins in England
Imagine stopping at a highway rest stop with a restless child and having the attendant call Homeland Security about a possible case of child abduction! What proof is there that you are the "owner;" the parent?
In the article, "The Coming Child Registration and Licensing Act," we said that there will be child registration similar to auto registration. "The need for proof of ownership of a child is what the new laws will address. Corporations want verifiable documents proving the relationship between employees and partners and their children. The state will convert birth certificates into another version of automobile registration, and the parent will need to be linked to the child by his state issued ID."
The idea caught on in England first where, "The database, which goes live next year, is to contain details of every one of the 11 million children in the country, listing their name, address and gender, as well as contact details for their GP, school and parents and other careers. The record will also include contacts with hospital consultants and other professionals, and could show whether the child has been the subject of a formal assessment on whether he or she needs extra help."
The program in the US will be an extension of the NAIS which will also require premise registration (a verified premise for the child), a premise inspection, and annual child inspection by a doctor or social worker. And to prevent the "fraud" of claiming that one child is another, there must be a marking process.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Translating Names of God
The Judeo-Christian popular culture has problems with definite articles like "The", preferring to translate them as "only." In the general sense it merely points to an object under discussion.
Allah is an example that confuses "the Pastors," in that it is two words: "Al," or the, and "Ilah," or god--feminine. The word "god" is generic and not specifically referring to one, hence the "the."
In Hebrew the name of Allah is also rendered as burnt offering. What confuses the pew-sitters is the artificial construct of God and god, when the Hebrew actually speaks about the gods who were in Egypt as being hostile divine beings, not demons or politicians, but a race of beings whose sons mated with human women to produce the race of the Nephilim.
The Hebrew siddur is far more interesting on the subject than the three-point, pointless sermons of "the Pastors." The Adon Olam concludes, that "After all has ceased to exist, He, the Awesome One, will reign alone, It is He Who was, He Who is, and He Who shall remain, in splendor." To place this in perspective, consider that Mi Chamocha asks, "Who is like You, Yahweh among the gods?" This question is referring to the discussion between himself and the gods when he said, "'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.' But you will die like mere men."
The gods called him the one who causes them unease and hated him. At the Red Sea, he "killed" a few of them because Miriam sang about how the god of Israel killed the gods. She said, "You stretched out your right hand and the earth swallowed them."
The war is not over yet, and the age of secularism will end when the divine beings and mighty men return. The present problem of translating the Hebrew is a result of apostasy. The deliberate rejection of anything Jewish by the Vatican first, and the protestants second.
Psalm 82:6-7,
The Political Pariah the Messiah Gets an Attitude in Peru
Peru's magnitude 8 earthquake began On Wednesday, August 15 2007, after the faithful gathered for mass. "Hundreds had gathered in the pews of the San Clemente church on Wednesday - the day Roman Catholics celebrate the Virgin Mary's rise into heaven - for a special Mass marking one month since the death of a Pisco man.
With minutes left in the Mass, the church's ceiling began to break apart. The shaking lasted for an agonizing two minutes, burying 200 people, according to the town's mayor."
The holy one who protects them was visiting "in Peru's southern desert, near the oasis city of Ica and nearby Pisco, about 125 miles southeast of the capital of Lima." The pariah of the churches seems to avoid the cities, and the Vatican was particularly obnoxious toward him in 325 in Nicaea. But in every one of Bush's land deals in Israel, the Vatican was supporting Allah.
In Washington, President Bush offered condolences, but a year ago on July 15, 2006, Peru had winked at "a United Nations Security Council resolution Thursday night that condemned Israel for its retaliation against Kassam rocket attacks on Israel from the Gaza." Other states that may expect a hostile demeanor are Britain, Denmark and Slovakia.
Iron Curtain in America
The Russians are watching the US repeat their own mistakes and consistently warn Americans about the danger their government poses to them. Now they warn about a shoot to kill order for anyone seen trying to escape the US. The order is to be carried out by Canadian and Mexican border police at the request or permission of the US government.
"US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, is set to propose at the upcoming North American Summit that Canadian Border Guards be granted the same rights as the their Mexican counterparts to ‘shoot on site’ any American citizen found fleeing across their common border." The US "granted this right to Mexican Border Guards in their just signed new border agreement on terrorism."
What is frightening the Russians is not that Americans fleeing the collapse of the US may be prevented from leaving, but that the loss of the constitution by a super power means a dangerous fascist police state is roaming the earth. A predicator without physical restraint or principle.
To add to their fear, the Bush's and other elite were directly involved in building the Nazi party prior to World War II. The Russians conclude that a nation without principle, a constitution, is a rogue state that must be guarded against lest they find reasons to invade. "President Putin ordered the resumption of Russian strategic nuclear bomber flights against the United States and its Allies."
Putin tried several times to get the interest of the US public on the problem with their government. But the game was on!,12271,1312540,00.html
Friday, August 17, 2007
The Coming Child Registration and Licensing Act
Aug 16, 2007 07:23
The idea that an unknown woman can have a baby without the knowledge of the state will end when the law is changed to require every birth to be registered with the state. That is the essence of the next conservative Republican push at immigration reform already coming out of the candidate debates, and the socialist Democrat's craving for universal health care.
Until now it was not required to register or number your children. No birth certificate or social security number was required for children. The greed and sin of the average parent compelled them to obtain them however for the petty tax deduction and a need for proof of ownership.
The need for proof of ownership of a child is what the new laws will address. Corporations want verifiable documents proving the relationship between employees and partners and their children. The state will convert birth certificates into another version of automobile registration, and the parent will need to be linked to the child by his state issued ID.
To the fascists, this will solve problems such as employee benefits fraud, child custody disputes, public school enrollment documentation, and of course where potential terrorists are located.
The idea is to extend the National Animal ID program to people, by tracking the body from birth to death. The idea should be odious to the "religious" community except that they are not very religious anymore. Spiritual yes, religious no. Remember that it was evangelicals who helped give us tracking every employee for delinquent child support and also verifying that an employee was "eligible" to work. It is those same religious who are pressing for "fraud proof" birth certificates and social security numbers.
The final goal of the elites is the elimination of the truly religious--not churches and synagogues, but the ones who try to live their daily lives apart and separate. That is why the EU wants Israel to join, and the US wants the Christians to register and number. Prof. Eugene Narrett referred to the new state as the “Socialist World State” or, as Huxley termed it the “regionalized world system,” the “true universal church.”
The new one world religion is being built by the churches and synagogues, all of whom urge compliance with the "law."
Der-Pastors to Quell Dissent
The reputation of Christian and Jewish clergy can still go to a lower place but they don't have much time left to do it. The treason of the pastors and Rabbis against the crown is becoming common discussion.
The state seems to be anticipating a second reformation or Maccabean rebellion, and arming the clergy to quash it fast under the NVOAD program. "Pastors were told that they would be backed up by law enforcement in controlling uncooperative individuals and that they would even lead SWAT teams in attempting to quell resistance."
That ought to get the attention of the "church growth" advocates which is now making its way into the synagogues as well, because dissent handling is a major part of the program. Dissenters are "handled" in the program started by Rick Warren (CFR), and the congregation is now acclimated to subservience, the deacons "on board" with crushing trouble-makers.
Lest one think that Rabbis are less apostate than Christian pastors, remember that they turned a deaf ear to the screams in Amona, the destruction of Gush Katif, and now Hevron.
Federal Clergy Response Teams are training and directing the pastors in particular to "preach to their congregations Romans 13... To accept the premise that the totalitarian police state is 'of the Lord'... because the government's established by the Lord, you know. And, that's what we believe in the Christian faith. That's what's stated in the scripture."
The Jews ought to remember that they are stressing the same "bible passage that was used by Hitler to hoodwink Christians into supporting him, in order to teach them to 'obey the government.'" But remember, the Rabbis are involved also. Just like Hitler's Judenrat kept the congregation in line during World War II, so they are doing today.
The federal purpose is to prevent a larger Warsaw uprising; "Homeland Security are working with local police departments and religious leaders to prepare for the declaration of martial law and in particular developing techniques they will employ during the crisis to "quell dissent."
It appears to be a warning of "the imminent declaration of a state of emergency, a scenario that President Bush codified in his recent Presidential Decision Directive of May 9th, which states in the event of a "catastrophic event" the President can take total control over the government and the country, bypassing all other levels of government at the state, federal, local, territorial and tribal levels, and thus ensuring total unprecedented dictatorial power."
Perhaps a banking crisis.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
The Political Pariah Visits the Beach
Fish are the least of America's problems this week. The trouble began before 2 p.m. Saturday, August 11, 2007 when LAX's spy computers crashed. "Homeland Security officials say the fiber optic cables, which support the system used to process passengers coming into and leaving the country, malfunctioned." Even though fixed, "8,000 passengers still must pass through customs. They are only managing to process about 1,300 people an hour." Even though fixed, the rest of the world's travelers are fed-up with the US Police State and there will be retaliations.
The "computer glitch that stranded more than 20,000 inbound international travelers at Los Angeles International Airport over the weekend recurred overnight, affecting about 1,700 inbound international passengers between 11:50 p.m. Sunday and 1:15 a.m. Monday, KNBC reported."
That was not the only incident. By 11 a.m. Sunday, August 12, 2007 Hurricane Flossie was 735 miles east-southeast of Hilo, Hawaii.
The present calamity is a response to the US pressure on the corrupt Israeli government to evict Jews from Hebron, the first capital of Israel during the reign of Israel's second king. Evicted were "Two Jewish families from Hevron’s Shalhevet neighborhood – four more Hevron families living in the area have received eviction notices."
On Sunday there were 3 dead in a church. The US Christians who have words to the effect that governments will fight in Israel over the ownership of the land which is regarded as holy by the Rabbi who founded the church, are supporting their government's effort to take the land from their dead Rabbi's relatives. They may get a taste of their belief because Russia is vowing to re-balance the geopolitical balance of force that the US is disturbing by a missile defense system they are building to "site early-warning systems in the Czech Republic and missile interceptors in Poland to protect against attack from Iran or North Korea."
Every action that the US has taken to steal the land of Israel from the religious Jews has resulted in disasters in America. There will be more visits by the terrorist from Israel, who seems to increasing the frequency and influence of his presence.
Friday, August 10, 2007
There Was Wonder Working Power on the Bridge
While Jerusalem was holding open house for the new tenants, the Palestinians, the former resident divine being passed through Minnesota, conducting his own inspection. Some of the first witness reports were more interesting than the, "The bridge rusted and fell-down," reporting that dominated. Something more than structural failure occurred because even though ultimate failure is sometimes explosive, bridges are not designed by that criterion.
"It sounded like a bomb and we ducked," said one man who works at a gas station near the collapse.
Radio talk show caller said all bridges around Minnesota/St.Paul are CLOSED... You posted a radio call in said all bridges now closed. Has this been verified.
I was watching Fox when they first showed it and for past few hours (except for 1033-1100pm) and a local reporter was talking to someone who said there were explosions THEN it collapsed.
"The mainspan seems to have sheared at both ends and dropped straight down, but the images don’t guarantee that so far. I saw some video footage that seemed to show lateral (downstream) deflection on that end of the main span, side span, and supporting steelwork.
Right mainspan pier or associated steelwork, or possibly a right side approach span pier or deck. Either that mainspan pier failed on it’s own, or else something transferred many times design load to that pier very rapidly and it structurally vaporized."
Another witness said they had to leave because of the smell of the explosion, and then did an "unflush the toilet" move by aheming her way to "uh...'truck'" all in one swell foop.;page=1751;page=1701;page=1551
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Hawk's Report
August 9, 2007 Hawk reported heightened and overriding radio traffic at the same time that the Muslims in South Carolina were being detained. The feds turned off electricity in some areas, and began airborne command flights. The suspicion is that another incident occurred at the same time.
The traffic stop incident is the one referred to and occurred 5 August 2007 at approximately 6 p.m.
Hawk also reported that the Middle East fleet had moved to Guam. More details about the Guam operation came from Hal Turner.
On 8 August 2007, the dreaded Hal Turner said that listeners within the military had detailed that "B-2 "Stealth" bombers at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri were ordered deployed immediately to Guam," and that "military sources tell 'The Hal Turner Show' that the B-2 stealth bombers are going to attack the tribal-controlled areas inside Pakistan... the U.S. will 'sort of kill two birds with one stone' by overtly sending our B2 Stealths through the entirety of Chinese airspace to attack the northern mountainous regions of Pakistan." That detail is not accepted as true but apparently, "President Pervez Musharraf was preparing to declare a state of emergency."
The Walls of Jericho Fall in Utah
On the afternoon of August 5, 2007 it was anounced that "Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has confirmed that he will meet Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in Jericho on Monday." The plan was to meet for lunch and be prepared to discuss establishment of a PA state. "Abbas, on the other hand, intends to focus his efforts on the down-and-dirty demands to divide Jerusalem," the resident city of the god of Israel. It was "a 90 minute meeting with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s at the InterContinental Hotel in Jericho," at the insistence of "Catastrophe" Condi, who is just warming the US up for day-to-day disasters. At about the same time that the announcement was made, The National Weather Service had confirmed that a tornado touched down at about 6:15 p.m. near Chicago.
The rumbling began in Utah at about 8:00 PM CST the same day. At about 10:48 AM Jerusalem time on Monday, August 6, 2007, during the final preparations for the meeting it was reported that "Six people are missing and feared trapped after a coal mine caved in eastern Utah and authorities are investigating if an earthquake caused it. At 2:48 a.m. today, an event measuring 4.0 on the Richter Scale struck about 16 miles from Huntington."
It was no ordinary earthquake and controversy began immediately because "The exact meaning of the signal remains under study, with researchers trying to determine if it was an earthquake or a seismic vibration associated with a mining incident." It looked similar to what they had experienced before, but different: "The character of the earthquake signals "as we're analyzing them in the middle of the night appeared to us to be suggestive of a mining-related event of a type that we have seen on other occasions in the Wasatch Plateau-Books Cliffs area." In summary, there was no reason for the mine to collapse. "What caused the mine's collapse is still unknown."
The political Pariah the Messiah and well known terrorist from Egypt, moved the ground under Jericho causing it to fall to the ground, and threatened anyone who helps rebuild it.
At at 6:39 p.m. Thursday, August 16 2007, there was another collapse during the rescue that killed three more.
Six trapped in mine collapse, Monday, August 6, 2007,
The Bridge Conspiracy
Now that the I-35 bridge panic is subsiding we can look suspiciously at the ones who told us that "it was an accident waiting to happen because we need toll roads to repair the foreign owned roads!"
Ted GALAMBOS, said "I am totally puzzled as to just why both ends of the bridge would come down all at once," and there is the first crack in the hysteria, because "It just came down so fast, and it seemed to me that both ends just collapsed and it just fell right down into the river."
Laboring the obvious, Dr. Robert Ballerini, says steel beams just don't break. They bend. He said, "even if there was a stress fracture in one or even two of these big beams, the bridge would have tilted, maybe rocked a little, and eventually pulled itself into the water." Sort of the way the US is collapsing in slow motion.
Anyone who believed that three world trade towers overheated and fell flat-down will believe that an entire bridge, not a span but all of it, would break explosively and free fall because they used salt on the road. Americans are contemptible.
Traffic Stop Terrorism
Who could ask for a better target than an enemy who comes to you and exposes himself to an IED? That is exactly what a "routine traffic stop" will do in the Fourth Generation war in America, which will be a civil war.
For example, "Ahmed Abda Sherf MOHAMED 24, and Yousef (a/k/a Youssef) Samir Megahed 21, two Muslim students who were caught driving with at least one 'incendiary device'," were caught in a speed trap. Like previous anti-terrorist success stories, the methods are an unconstitutional short-term gain with long-term consequences.
What the Gestapo found in the car was: One completely constructed "incendiary device;" several lengths of PVC pipe including one stuffed with the potassium nitrate/sugar mixture; Bomb making materials, including fuse-like detonators; Two types of "chemical compounds," including potassium nitrate; gasoline canister; 4 model rocket launchers; 4 model rocket electrical ignitors; computer laptop and cell phone(s).
These items are nothing that a high school kid could not assemble for a good time. A previous generation would have sold real dynamite in a hardware store.
Of more concern should be the street gang that at about 6 p.m on August 5, 2007 caught the Muslims speeding through Goose Creek, South Carolina; "Following the stop of their 4-door sedan on Highway 176. By 7 p.m., Highway 176 was shut down and remained so for at least 9 hours." After digging through the car they found what they wanted and arrested the two sons of Bin Ladden.
A greater terrorist is in the US: the government itself. Gone is the constitutional contract with the government that they shall be paid only to perform the terms listed; that the people can travel freely without permit, registration, or proof of being born. Gone is the condition placed upon the gang members that they shall specify what and where the evidence of a crime is to be found; that nobody is to be detained until they get what they want from them.
The consequences of theses compromises to end drunk driving, uninsured drivers, speeders, and now terror, will be that they are perfectly positioned for IED attacks when the war begins.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
"U.S. Push for Statehood" ... "Mayhem On The Mississippi"

"U.S. Push for Statehood" ... "Mayhem On The Mississippi"

Jerusalem Post
We do not believe so based upon the prophets. The purpose of the manipulators within the elite is to evade Messiah by hiding themselves behind, and manipulating the wimps, cowards and pimps in leadership of the churches and synagogues. By inciting alleged religious disagreements between the Jew and Christian. Neither of whom actually reads the scripture.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
TIMELINE: Flurry of Explosions - by CyberRBT
* TIMELINE: Flurry of Explosions * | Quote |
This list IS updated as events unfold... (As this first post changes dynamically, please don't quote it entirely in a reply.) Last Timeline Update: 2007-08-02 at 3:21 am EDT Unprecedented Flurry of Underground and other Infrastructure Explosions inside the North American Union. Subtitle: What's "in the pipeline" for us? JASON Phase Marker 2007 series of events; GIN war continues (Global Infrastructure Network). "A little paranoia is a dangerous thing. Drink deep or taste not the putrid nectar of doom and gloom." (Alexander Pope quote paraphrased, GLP'd, by CyberRBT) International explosions are here (top of page 11): [link to] AMERICAN TIMELINE: UE-001: 2007-07-16 Aurora, IL [link to] UE-002: 2007-07-17 Aurora, IL [link to] UE-003: 2007-07-17 Valley Center, KS [link to] UE-004: 2007-07-18 NYC, NY [link to] UE-005: 2007-07-20 Orem, UT [link to] UE-006: 2007-07-23 Spokane, WA [link to] UE-007: 2007-07-24 Madison Heights, MI [link to] UE-008: 2007-07-24 San Francisco, CA [link to] UE-009: 2007-07-24 Winnepeg, Canada [link to] UE-010: 2007-07-24 Cincinnati, OH [link to] UE-011: 2007-07-24 Annacis Island, Canada [link to] UE-012: 2007-07-25 Dallas, TX [link to] UE-013: 2007-07-25 Los Angeles, CA [link to] UE-014: 2007-07-25 Minneapolis, MN [link to] UE-015: 2007-07-25 Kersey, CO [link to] UE-016: 2007-07-26 Bakersfield, CA [link to] UE-017: 2007-07-28 York, PA [link to] UE-018: 2007-07-28 Havertown, PA [link to] UE-019: 2007-07-30 Scotts Bluff, NE [link to] UE-020: 2007-07-30 Upper Gwynedd, PA [link to] UE-021: 2007-07-31 Milton, MA [link to] UE-022: 2007-07-31 Sioux Center, IA [link to] UE-023: 2007-07-31 Oroville, CA [link to] UE-024: 2007-08-01 Minneapolis, MN [link to] AMERICAN NOTES: UE-001: (Aurora, IL; July 16) (near Chicago) * manhole cover explosions * location: Broadway Road and Galena Boulevard * traffic was rerouted around a six-square-block downtown area * county: Kane * reported cause: underground cable failure * top link: [link to] UE-002: (Aurora, IL; July 17) (near Chicago) * in-ground electrical lighting explosion at a downtown park * location: Broadway Road and Stolp Avenue * this was a half-block south of previous day's explosion (Millennium Park Plaza) * county: Kane * reported cause: possibly caused by clean-up crews * top link: [link to] UE-003: (Valley Center, KS) (near Wichita) * chemical solvent plant explosion (Barton Solvents, Inc) * 650,000 gallons of solvent burned * toxic smoke plume spread for miles * location: Cedar Avenue * county: Sedgwick * reported cause: static electricity ignited vapors while pumping chemicals from a truck * top link: [link to] UE-004: (NYC, NY; July 18) * underground steam pipe explosion * it was a 24 inch pipe laid in 1924 with first responders being fire brigade 24 * view video at (shows brigade 24 helmets): [link to] * in Manhattan near Grand Central Terminal (beside 77-story Chrysler Building) * location: 41st Street * reported cause: age-worn flange and cold water in the pipes and "water hammer" effect * top link: [link to] * more info: [link to] UE-005: (Orem, UT; July 20) (near Salt Lake City) * manhole cover explosion * location: intersection of 400 West and Center Street * county: Utah County * reported cause: underground cable heated air * top link: [link to] UE-006: (Spokane, WA; July 23) * fuel depot fire (Whitley Fuel LLC) * location: Pittsburg Street * county: Spokane County * reported cause: arson suspected * top link: [link to] UE-007: (Madison Heights, MI; July 24) (near Detroit) * manhole cover explosion * location: 13 Mile Road between John R. Road and Stephenson Highway * county: Oakland * reported cause: underground cable failure * top link: [link to] UE-008: (San Francisco, CA; July 24) * manhole cover explosion and transformer explosion * location: Mission Street * county: San Francisco County * reported cause: PG&E transmission service breaker failure * top link: [link to] * more info: [link to] UE-009: (Winnepeg, Canada; July 24) * manhole cover explosions * location: Portage Avenue and Byrd Street (behind Princess Auto) * reported cause: nearby gas and oil drums spilled * top link: [link to] UE-010: (Cincinnati, OH; July 24) * manhole cover explosion * location: Vine Street * county: Hamilton * reported cause: underground electrical discharge * top link: [link to] UE-011: (Annacis Island, Canada; July 24) (near Vancouver) * chemical plant explosion (Chemcraft Sadolin) * location: Derwent Way * reported cause: under investigation * top link: [link to] * more info: [link to] UE-012: (Dallas, TX; July 25) * multiple gas tank explosions at a welding supply company (Southwest Industrial Gases, Inc) * location: South Industrial Boulevard * county: Dallas County * reported cause: pigtail connector on an acetylene tank malfunctioned * top link: [link to] * more info: [link to] UE-013: (Los Angeles, CA; July 25) * UCLA underground explosions in nanotech lab (Building 114; California Nano Systems Institute) * Los Angeles 90095 (entire zip code is assigned to UCLA) * location: Hilgard Avenue * county: Los Angeles County * reported cause: 2 gallons freon refrigerant spilled * top link: [link to] * more info: [link to] UE-014: (Minneapolis, MN; July 25) * underground transformer explosion (beneath Qwest Building) * location: 3rd Avenue South and 5th Street South * county: Hennepin * reported cause: under investigation * top link: [link to] * more info: [link to] UE-015: (Kersey, CO; July 25) (near Denver) * oil well explosion * location: County Road 51 and 54 * county: Weld * top link: [link to] * reported cause: cleaning pump caught fire igniting oil mixture UE-016: (Bakersfield, CA; July 26) (near Los Angeles) * nitrous oxide tank exploded testing a rocket motor at the Mojave Air and Space Port (3,300-acre complex) * the rocket was under construction for Virgin Galactic * this airfield was used in the film "Die Hard 2" and in the TV program "24" [link to] * location: Route 58 * county: Kern * reported cause: under investigation * top link: [link to] * more info: [link to] UE-017: (York, PA; July 28) (near Lancaster) * manhole explosion and fire * residents ordered to stay indoors * location: King Street and George Street * county: York * reported cause: under investigation * top link: [link to] UE-018: (Havertown, PA; July 28) * undergound transformer exploded causing a fire and power outage * residents and businesses were evacuated * location: West Darby Road * county: Delaware * reported cause: under investigation * top link: [link to] UE-019: (Scotts Bluff, NE; July 30) * explosion in a packing warehouse (Western Sugar Cooperative) * location: Sugar Factory Road * county: Scotts Bluff County * reported cause: under investigation * top link: [link to] UE-020: (Upper Gwynedd, PA; July 30) (near Philadelphia) * an explosion at a lab at Merck & Company Inc's West Pointe campus * location: Sumneytown Pike * county: Montgomery * reported cause: under investigation * top link: [link to] UE-021: (Milton, MA; July 31) (near Boston) * multiple manhole covers come loose causing automobile accidents * location: Interstate 93 * county: Norfolk * reported cause: water pressure from heavy rains * top link: [link to] UE-022: (Sioux Center, IA; July 31) (near Des Moines) * five ethanol tankers exploded while being loaded onto rail tanker cars * location: Highway 75 (main street; near Centre Mall) * county: Sioux County * reported cause: under investigation * top link: [link to] * more info: [link to] UE-023: (Oroville, CA; July 31) * highway bridge under construction collapsed trapping a FedEx truck under the debris * location: Routes 149 and 70 North * county: Butte * top link: [link to] * more info: [link to] * more info: [link to] UE-024: (Minneapolis, MN; August 1) * huge bridge collapses in sections; explosions heard at the scene * location: Interstate 35 * county: Hennepin * this is part of the proposed NAU super corridor: [link to] * Governor Tim Pawlenty declared "This is a catastrophe of historic proportions for Minnesota." * reported cause: under investigation * top link: [link to] * more info: [link to] * more info: [link to] Natural Occurrences? 2007-07-16: a 6.8 magnitude earthquake rocked Japan's northwest coast [link to] 2007-07-17: Pacific quake series [link to] 2007-07-26: a 6.2 earthquake struck off the Nicobar Islands in the Indian Ocean [link to] 2007-07-26: a 6.6 magnitude quake rocked northeastern Indonesia [link to] 2007-07-26: a 6.4 earthquake near Molucca Passage (Indonesia) [link to] 2007-08-02: a 6.2 earthquake near Sakhalin (Eastern Russia) [link to] Terrorism Related? Most of these US cities is in the DHS Domestic Preparedness Program. [link to] |
The Political Pariah the Messiah Visits Minneapolis
Condoleezza Rice visited Jerusalem on Wednesday, August 1 2007, and was greeted by excited conversations about a new state. Between 2:00PM and 10:00PM Israel time she had numerous conversations meetings, and conferences with Olmert, Barak, Peres, and Livni.
Olmert was excited to give Rice what she craved, a new Arab town, "To be situated 20 km south of Nablus and 35 km north of Ramallah on the road linking them, the town is planned for 30-40,000 Palestinian inhabitants in the first stage, expanding in the second to 70,000 ten years hence."
The globalist always works against their citizens and bypass the representatives whether they are building a NAFTA highway through Texas or building a MEFTA town in Israel. "Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert has kept the project, which represents a major strategic restructure of West Bank geography, under his hat."
The guilty part was of course George Bush. The political version of Gog. Olmert said, "He did not submit the American plan to the cabinet, or even the security-political ministerial forum, before giving the go-ahead to the visiting US secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, Wednesday night, Aug. 1."
As we expected, the Political Pariah the Messiah did not take the news casually. He immediately left the hills of Judea and arrived at downtown Minneapolis.
It was about the same time in Minneapolis time that festivities had occurred in Israel time when "The 500-foot (150-metre) span of the steel and concrete bridge, which carried an eight-lane highway and was under repair, buckled and fell into the river and onto concrete embankments at about 6:05 p.m. CDT (7.05 p.m. EST)." It was the I-35W bridge near downtown Minneapolis.
Witness "Jamie Winegar said she suddenly started hearing "boom, boom, boom and we were just dropping, dropping, dropping, dropping." Why he chose a bridge may be related to the location of the new town: "The new town site will encompass the Palestinian villages of Qabalan, Oseria and Qudela and straddle Trans-Samaria Highway 505 opposite Tapuach junction."
The relationship between NAFTA and MEFTA is that "Americans regard the Palestinian town as a primary project for consolidating Mahmoud Abbas’ government. It is designed to provide tens of thousands of jobs for West Bankers, whose unemployment rate has soared to 70 percent." America is paying the architects for the town to be built.
It was a small incident and "The U.S. Department of Homeland Security in Washington said there was no indication of terrorism in the disaster." But they overlook the famous terrorist and well known "cop killer" from Egypt who also carried out numerous major catastrophes before moving to the hill country of Israel.
Adding to the intrigue is the report from the Russians who said, "Russia’s Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics located in Irkutsk are reporting today that their Siberian Solar Radio Telescope (SSRT) detected a ‘massive’ ultra low frequency (ULF) ‘blast’ emanating from Latitude: 45° 00' North Longitude: 93° 15' West at the ‘exact’ moment, and location, of a catastrophic collapse of a nearly 2,000 foot long bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota."